Chapter 5

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"Okay, so this morning, I'm gonna be putting you all for a few drills just to assess you straight. Quiet, please!"

"Oi!" Alex yells as she walks onto the pitch behind Harry pulling on her leather gloves, "Shut it! Or I'll ram my broom-"

"Thank you, Alex," Harry quickly interrupts, "Alright, um, now then, remember, just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year-"

Harry is interrupted by the crowd in front of them, "If I hear any complaining you can leave now!" Alex yells, "Is that clear? Good."

Harry nods and Alex sends him a thumbs up before getting on her broom, "We'll have two teams, Harry'll take on and I'll take the other, no Seeker's."

Harry hover beside Alex, "I'll take Coote and Lewis as my Beaters." The two remaining Beaters, Peakes and Davis fly over to Alex's side.

"I'll take Weasley and Thomas as my Chasers." Ginny high fives Alex as she flies up to her. The other two Chasers that are left, Bell and Martinez fly over to Harry's side.

Harry looks over the two plays are smirks, "I'll take Weasley- Ow! Alex!"

Alex sighs as McLaggen flies over to her team smirking at her as he passes, "That hurt, Alex." Harry complains as he rubs the spot she had punched.



The Quidditch team wait anxiously as Harry and Alex whisper to each other, "All right, well done everyone, if you didn't make the team there's always next year-"

"What he's trying to say is, if you didn't make the team piss off, no complaining and don't be sour about it."

Harry sighs shaking his head as he walks closer to them, as Alex points to the Beaters "Coote, Peakes, congratulations, get changed, first training session Thursday at eight am sharp, if you're late I'll rip of your b-"

"Alex," Harry says sharply, "So, our Chasers are, Alex Black, Ginny Weasley and Dean Thomas. Katie, you're reserve."

"And finally, our Keeper... Ronald."


"I have to admit I thought I was going to miss that last one. I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard. He's got a bit of a thing for you, Lex, Cormac."

"He's vile and I'd rather hang myself from the Quidditch hoops by my tongue."

"Have you ever heard of the spell, Sectumsempra?" Harry asks showing them his potions book.

Hermione shakes her head quickly, "No, I haven't. If you had a shred of self-respect, you'd hand that book in."

"Not bloody likely. He's top of the class. He's even better than you, Hermione. Slughorn thinks he's a genius."

Hermione sighs looking back at Alex who lounges across the sofa with her head in Ron's lap, "Alex what do you think?"

Alex looks up coming out of her own little world, "What? Oh, uh, do what 'Mione says."

"I'd like to know who's that book was. Let's have a look, shall we?"

Harry quickly gets to his feet hiding it behind his back, "No."

"Why not?" Hermione asks following after him.

"The binding is fragile."

"The binding is fragile"?" Hermione scoffs.


Harry jumps back as Ginny rips the book from his hands, "Who's the Half-Blood Prince?"


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