Chapter 5

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"You have to tell your father, Alex." Hermione says.

Alex sighs and pokes at the food on her plate before shoving it into her mouth, "Actually," She says pausing to swallow, "I don't."

"He'll find out eventually, it's a nasty cut, likely to scar-" Ron sends her a glare and she quickly stops talking, "Sorry."

"Come on, Lex, Sirius needs to know."

The stubborn girl shakes her head and flicks her food at a passing second year out of boredom making Hermione send an apologetic smile to the Ravenclaw who now fishes mash out of her hair, "If I tell him it could go one of two ways."

She sits up holding up one finger, "One, he'll cry like a little baby, sing Escape and be clingy for an entire month," Holding up another finger she continues, "Or two, he'll come out of hiding, kick Umbridge's arse-"

"I think I like number two."

"-And then get given the Dementors kiss for not only allegedly killing those muggles, but for killing the toad too, and then, I will be left, an Orphan."

"Okay," Ron says slowly nodding, "Maybe I don't like number two."

"Can I join you?" They look up to see Harry, who had argued with Hermione and Ron the following day over his hand, standing there awkwardly.

Alex sighs as she finishes up her food and they leave for their lessons of the day, "Pardon me, professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?"

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students... you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." They watch as Umbridge and McGonagall stare at each other on the steps.

"So silly of me, but it sounds... as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom... Minerva." Umbridge says taking a step up.

"Not at all, Dolores," McGonagall says taking another step us also, "Merely your medieval methods."

"I am sorry, dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry... and by extension, the minister himself. I am a tolerant woman... but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

McGonagall steps back in shock, "Disloyalty." She repeats slowly.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action."


Alex sits beside Ron, the pair listening to Umbridge question the Potions Master.

"You applied first for the Defence Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?"


"But you were unsuccessful?" She asks with a fake pout as she circles him.

Rolling his eyes Snape nods, "Obviously."

Both Alex and Ron snicker quietly watching the pink professor leave the room, lifting his book with one swing Snape hits them both over the back of the head.

"You know," Alex says looking back at him, "That's illegal in Muggle schools."

Snape says noting, just hits her with the book again as he passes the pair.


"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this."

Alex and Harry raise a brow as they walk through the crowd, "Cho, what's going on?"

"Professor Trelawney."

"Actually, I can," Minerva runs through the students taking the Divination teacher into her arms, "Something you'd like to say?"

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say."

The large doors behind them slowly open as Dumbledore steps out, "Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?"

"Sybil, dear. This way."

The ex-Professor cries as she takes his hand, "Thank you."

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms... of Educational Decree Number-"

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster."

"For now."


"How's your hand?" Ron asks sitting beside Alex.

She lifts up her hand as she unwraps it to reveal the still very red wound, he carefully takes her hand rubbing the pad of his thumb over it gently, "That foul, evil, old gargoyle." Hermione exclaims as she paces in front of them.

"We're not learning how to defend ourselves. We're not learning how to pass our OWLs. She's taking over the entire school."

Harry leans back on his chair turning up the radio behind them, "Security has been and will remain the Ministry's top priority. Furthermore, we have convincing evidence... that these disappearances are the work... of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black."

"I swear-" Alex sighs standing up and joining Hermione in her pacing, "One day I swear-ugh! That stupid toad faced woman, and that stupid man spreading lies about-"

"Who's Jellybean planning to kill now?"

"Sirius." Harry grins running to the fire place.

Alex smiles and kneels down besides Harry looking at her father's face in the fireplace, "What are you doing here?"

"Answering your letter. You said you were worried about Umbridge. What's she doing? Training you to kill half-breeds?"

"She's not letting us use magic at all."

Alex scoffs and Hermione places a hand on her shoulder, "That stupid woman talked about you in front of the entire class."

"Answer me this, Jellybean," He says, "Did you by any means stand up for me?"

She looks down, "Maybe."

"I've told you not to! You're going to get yourself in to trouble."

"Bit too late for that," She mumbles, "And I can't not stand up for you, you're my father! Besides this isn't the topic, not using magic, let's get back to that."

"Well, I'm not surprised. The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat.

"Combat?" Ron questions, "What does he think, we're forming some sort of wizard army?

"That's exactly what he thinks. That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute." Alex sighs running a hand through her hair and leaning back.

"The others wouldn't want me telling you this, Harry... but things aren't going at all well with the Order. Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn... and these disappearances are just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move."

"Well, what can we do?"

"Someone's coming," Sirius quickly whispers, "I'm sorry I can't be of more help. But for now, at least, it looks like you're on your own."

Hermione walks towards the window where they watch the lightning, "He really is out there, isn't he?" Hermione questions looking between her friends.

Alex nods sadly and leans her head on the older girl's shoulder, "Yeah, I'm afraid he is."

"We've got to be able to defend ourselves. And if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will..."

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