Chapter 9

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Alex shoves her hands further into her pockets as she kicks a rock, "I mean, I'm his best friend, he could've at least told me!"

She rolls her eyes at Ron who is still complaining about Harry, "Ron, he would've told us, I don't think he knew himself."

"You're choosing his side?"

"There are no sides, you're both my best friends. Hermione's with Harry right now, so, I'm with you."

Ron rolls his eyes and takes off his scarf throwing it at her as he passes through the trees, Alex smiles lightly and follows him on the trail to Hogsmede jogging lightly to catch up with him.

"Honeyduke's or Three Broomsticks first?"

Alex thinks for a moment before linking arms with him and skipping towards the small pub, "I fancy a Butterbeer." She says licking her lips.

They sigh in content when they reach the warmth of the Three Broomsticks, shoving a few galleons into Ron's pocket-which goes unnoticed by the red head- Alex walks towards a booth at the back as Ron gets their drinks.

She pulls off her coat hanging it on the back of her chair as Ron walks back over, he scowls at Ivan who is watching Alex as he sits opposite her, "D'you think Snape'll lay off on the detentions this year?" She asks looking up.

Ron laughs and shakes his head, "For you, no."

"He only gives them to me because he hates dad!" She exclaims dropping her head onto the table.

"Uh, Lex?" She groans in response, "Crazy haired lady, on her way towards us."

Looking up they see Rita Skeeter with her blonde hair twisted in all different styles on top of her head. She offers them a smile, bringing up her own chair to the table.

"Sure, sit on down." Alex says sarcastically.

"Miss. Alexandra Black? Correct? Daughter of Sirius and Annabelle Black, friend of Harry Potter?"

"And if I am?" She asks biting her tongue at the mention of her full name.

Rita smiles, her green Quill positioned above an open note book, "I'd like to ask you a few questions, is that okay? All about the tournament of course."

"No-" She sends a glare at Ron who had kicked her under the table, "Fine, just about the tournament."

"First of all, did you help Mr. Potter put his name into the Goblet? I've heard talk of you two being very... close."

Alex sends a look to Ron who shrugs, "Yes, well, he is one of my best friends, it be a bit weird if we weren't close. And no, no, I did not help my best friend sign up for his death."

"Lexi." Ron says in a warning tone.

Rita giggles and her pen scribbles it down furiously, "And, if I remember correctly, your father is still on the run."

She clenches her jaw and nods, "Yes, he is."

"Hmm," She says looking over at her notepad, "And do you have-"

"If you're only here to ask me about my father then you can leave. However, I'd like you to know that an innocent person is on the run. My father is innocent, the Minister knows it, and so should everyone else."

"Sweetheart," She says with a small pout, "Your father is a murder."

She looks over at Ron who is slowly getting up and grabbing both of their coats preparing to leave, "My father is a good man."

"A good man wouldn't murder innocent muggles."

Alex rolls her eyes and gets out of her seat walking after Ron, Skeeter grips her wrist tightly spinning her back towards her, "Just be careful, dear, wouldn't want you ending up like the Potters now, would we?"

Grabbing the half empty Butterbeer she tosses it into the woman's face and angrily slams it back onto the counter, "My father is not a murderer." She spits before storming out of the pub leaving behind a grinning Ron and a very amused pub.

"I've always liked that girl." Madam Rosmerta says with a smile as she collects the empty drink.

Ron looks behind him realising Alex has left, he runs out of the bar looking around widely for her, "Ron!" Dean calls, "She went that way!" He points towards the forbidden forest and Ron groans before running after her.

"Lex! Lexi!" He calls pulling on his coat, Alex's red one still clutched in his hands.

He sighs and stops for a moment to look around, looking in one direction he realises just where they are, the hill near the Shrieking Shack, the place Alex first met her father. "I swear if she's in that shack I'm leaving her there."

He pushes away a few branches and sighs in relief when he sees her figure sat on the ground staring at the Shrieking Shack, "Lex?"

She sniffles and wipes her face quickly turning away from him. He sighs and cautiously sits beside her, draping her jacket over her shoulders as he does. "Don't listen to that woman, she has no clue what she's on about, crazy, I tell you."

"I just wish people know dad like we do, he's innocent! He doesn't deserve the shit people are throwing at him." Ron nods and wraps his arms over her shoulder pulling her into his side.

"Well, I know he's innocent, Hermione, Harry, Mum, Dad, even bloody Dumbledore knows he's innocent-"

"Yeah, but, Dumbledore knows everything."

"But," He continues, "I think that the most important person for him, is you."

She nods and rests her head on his shoulder staring at the shack across from them, "You know," Alex says after a few moments of silence, "When I was little I'd sit up every night and just... wait."

"Wait for what?"

"My father," She admits quietly, "I'd wait up every night, hoping he'd come home, to come and find me. I lasted ten years. By the time I was about to start Hogwarts I'd given up. On the first day Hermione promised she'd help me find him, she said we'd do it together, and in a sense, we did."

"I'm glad you found your father." Ron says leaning his head on top of hers.

She relaxes into his hold even more, "Me too."

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