Chapter 2

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"Quick. Into the house." Molly and the others run outside to see Alex and Remus struggling to carry George inside.

"Oh, my boy. Oh. Oh."

Alex runs into the kitchen grabbing a few towels as Molly fills a bowl of water, ignoring the shouting going on behind her as Remus holds his wand up to Harry she kneels in front of George with Ginny holding towels to his bleeding ear.

"What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?"

"Are you mad?"

"What creature?"

"A Grindylow." Harry splutters.

Remus sighs finally lowering his wand, "We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an impostor."

"They were everywhere," Alex says breathlessly her heart still pounding, "We barely escaped."

A flash appears outside and they all run outside as Hermione and Kingsley appears, "The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?"

"'Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him'."

"What gave you away?" Kingsley asks turning to Harry.

Alex quickly runs over to Hermione wrapping her arms around her, "Hedwig, I think. She was trying to protect me."

Tonks and Ron appears next, Alex sigs in relief running over to him and throwing herself at him making him stumble back, "Thanks."

"Deserves that," Tonks says with a smile as she hugs her husband, "Brilliant, he was. I wouldn't be standing here without him."


Ron looks at her a little offended, "Always the tone of surprise."

Finally Fred and Arthur land wrapping their arms around each other's shoulders, "We the last back? Where's George?"

Alex turns to Ron and the pair walk back inside, "How you feeling, Georgie?"


"Come again?"

"Saint-like. I'm holy. I'm holey, Fred. Get it?"

Fred chuckles shaking his head at his twin, "The whole wide world of ear-related humour and you go for 'I'm holey'. That's pathetic."

"Reckon I'm still better-looking than you."

"Mad-Eye's dead," Bill tells them, "Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and Disapparated."

Everyone goes quiet and looks down at the loss of a friend, Alex sighs and smiles at Ron in reassurance before limping outside and sitting on the porch silently staring at the sky.

Bill nudges his little brother and pushes him towards the front door, Ron looks back in question, rolling his eyes the older red head pushes him outside.

"You okay?"

Alex flinches at the voice stopping what she was doing and turning to see Ron standing behind her, she nods and shifts awkwardly, "Yeah." She says clearing her throat.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." She says quickly.

He rolls his eyes and walks forward stopping in his tracks when he sees the large gash in her side, "Lex!" He scolds, "Why didn't you say anything?"

She shrugs wincing when he goes to touch the wound, "We were a bit preoccupied, I don't know if you noticed, but your brother is missing an ear."

"Now is not the time for your sarcasm."

She rolls her eyes and turns to lean against the post behind her, "I'm fine, Ron, just seeing little Black spots, that's normal, right?"

He shakes his head trying to help her up but she falls back with a groan, "Lex, come on, let's get you cleaned up, that's..." He trails off looking down at the blood, "Wow, that is a lot of blood, come on, let's get up."

He tries to pull her up again but she just mumbles something before falling back down again, he sighs scooping her up into his arms, "Mum." He calls as he walks into the kitchen.

Molly turns from where she was washing her hands and gasps, "I'm fine, Ronald." Alex says tapping his face repeatedly as her head lolls from side to side.

"You're not fine- ow, stop it." She grins and wiggles her brows, he turns back to his mother with a pleading look, "She got hit."

Thirty long minutes later Molly had manged to stop her bleeding and had used magic to heal her wound, when the door to the room opens Ron jumps to his feet from where he was sat outside, "Ronald, you scared me half to death!"

"Sorry, Mum, is she okay?"

"She's fine. She's getting some rest." Ron nods and quietly walks into his room where Alex is laying in his bed half asleep.

"Hey." He says quietly closing the door behind him.

Alex smiles opening her eyes to look at him, "I told you I was fine."

Rolling his eyes he kneels in front of her brushing the hair from her face, "You wasn't fine, Lex, what if you bled out? What if you got hit even worse than that? What if I lost you?"

"You won't ever lose me, Ron, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Alexandra."

"This is one I intend to keep, Ronald."

Ron shifts so he's sitting in a more comfortable position, he rubs his thumb up and down her cheek and plays with a few strands of her hair as he hums quietly to her, "If you like Piña Caldas..."

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