Chapter 11

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"I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable." Alex gapes at her friend with a raised brow.

Ron matches her expression with raised brows, "Speak for yourself. All right there, Harry?"

The three look at Harry who clutches his forehead, "My scar. It keeps burning."

"It's happened before."

"Not like this."

"Perhaps you should see the nurse." Ron suggests.

Alex rolls her eyes at the red head, "I think it's a warning. It means dangers coming."

Ron returns the eye roll, "Danger? A scar telling us when there's danger?"

She nods confidently, "Actually, yes, Ronald, we live in a world of magic do we not?"

The pair are interrupted by Harry clutching his scar, "What is it?" Hermione questions as Harry runs off the trio following behind him while Alex and Ron continue to bicker.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one?" They approach Hagrid, who is playing on a flute, "I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before?"

They stop in front of Hagrid and Alex offers him a smile, "Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg? What did he look like?"

"I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up."

"The stranger, though," Alex presses on walking to stand up front beside Harry, "You and he must have talked."

"Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him. I said, "After Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem."

Harry's brows shoot upwards, "And did he seem interested in Fluffy?"

Hagrid nods, "Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do you come across a three headed dog, even if you're in the trade? But I told him. I said, "The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep."

Realising what he had said his face drops, "I shouldn't have told you that. Where you going? Wait!"

"We have to go to Dumbledore!" Alex says trying to grab all three of her friend's hands at the same time resulting in the four of them tumbling to the floor.


"That was no stranger Hagrid met in the village. It was Snape, which means he knows how to get past Fluffy."

"And with Dumbledore gone..."

Snape appears behind them causing Alex to hit the pair, "Good afternoon. Now, what would three young Gryffindor's such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?"

"Uh...we were just..."

"Going for a lovely walk, right, Ronald?" She elbows Ron as he is closest to her.

Ron nods, "Yup."

"You want to be careful. People will think up to something." He walks away and Harry glared at his retreating figure.

"Now what do we do?"

"We go down the trapdoor. Tonight."


"It's crazy, I tell you!" Ron says loudly.

Alex rolls her eyes as she walks beside him, "Honestly, Ronald, would you rather live in a world with Volde-" Ron whimpers at the name making her roll her eyes again, "With Voldemort?"

"If it means I don't have to face Snape and that giant dog again, Alexandra."

Her hair turns a dark red as she glares at him, "Don't call me Alexandra, besides, if Voldemort was around I could guarantee I'd be dead." She says with a firm nod.

"And why's that?"

"Because I'm a Half-Blood, and I'd fight him, Ronald, that's why! I'd rather fight than live in a world where people are afraid to walk down the street and where Muggles fear us, imagine a world like that."

"Well, when you put it like that."

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