Chapter 10

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"Blimey, Harry."

He offers an innocent smile and sits in the seat opposite her, "I need your help."

"What's the magic word?"

"I won't tell Ron you and the Bulgarian are eye f-"

"Okay," She says nodding quickly, "Okay, yup, I'll help, what is it?"

He grins and pulls her to her feet quickly, "I need books on spells, ones that will be effective against Dragons."

She sighs and closes her book placing it back into its spot before walking towards the Charms section, "Where's Hermione?"

"On her way."

Not even looking at the book titles, Alex grabs a handful and sits down with Harry.

Half way through reading a book on Dragon's Neville comes running into the library, "Alex, Ron's looking for you."

"What? Why?"

"It's- just come see for yourself."

She sighs and sends an apologetic look to Harry before following after Neville, students whisper as she passes causing her to raise a brow at them and scowl.

They find Ron sat in the Great Hall eating lunch scowling at students who pass, "Ron, what's wrong?"

He hands her the Newspaper from beside him and she groans sitting opposite him.

'Harry Potter and best friend fall out over young, fourth year Gryffindor, Alexandra McGonagall.'

"Is she for real? She got my name wrong!"

"That's to the worst part, read the second paragraph." Ron tells her pointing his fork towards the next part.

'I had asked Miss. McGonagall for a few words, she continued to show nothing but aggression during the interview, threatening me and telling me how her father is 'innocent'. Of course no one can blame the poor girl, no mother love and a murderous father, clinging onto the only bit of family she has despite him being a murderer is poetic, really. Miss. McGonagall-'

She crumples up the paper throwing it behind her head and hitting a passing Beauxbatons student who makes a small 'humph' sound before scurrying off.

"McGonagall? McGonagall? She called me 'Miss. Black' in that pub, now I'm McGonagall."

She spots Skeeter walking towards the teachers table and jumps up running down the table and hitting students food as she does.

"Alexandra!" Her grandmother scolds. She ignores the older witch and jumps down running after Skeeter with her wand raised.

"You foul, evil, bloody- bloody cockroach!"

Ron's eyes widen as he runs down the isles the Hall falls silent watching the hot headed students raise her brow at the reporter, "Alexandra, darling."

"Don't call me that."

"Alex, what is the meaning of this?" Dumbledore asks calmly.

She lowers her wand and points to the news article, "Well, you can be violent at times." Dumbledore agrees with the usual sparkle in his eyes.

"However," Rita's smirk falls, "This is inappropriate to talk of my students and their relationships, Miss. Skeeter."

Ron cautiously walks towards her placing a hand on top of her hand that holds the wand, he sighs when he feels her relax slightly. "Come on, Lex." He says quietly tugging her away.

She stands her ground staring down Skeeter, "I will handle this, Miss. Black, off you go."

Ron tugs her away and she stares at Rita the entire way out of the Great Hall.


Alex smiles as she sees Harry approaching, she's walking beside Ron, Seamus on is other side, "You're a right foul git you know that?"

"You think so?"

"I know so." Harry says.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah," harry nods, "Stay away from me."

"Harry!" Alex scolds.

Ron shrugs, "Fine." He says walking away.


Harry and Alex share a look and she sighs before turning to the brunette, "I hexed someone who had one of those stupid badges." She says. He smiles forcefully and she sighs resting her hand on his shoulder, "He'll come round."

"Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."

"I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks, Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic."

Alex grins and follows after Harry quickly, when they aren't looking Draco whips out his wand pointing it at them both. Mad-Eye steps in pointing his wand at Malfoy turning him into a white haired ferret, "I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned."

Professor McGonagall appears moving aside the crowd of students that has formed around the ferret and DADA Professor, "Professor Moody what are you doing?"

"Teaching." Mad-Eye answers simply.

"I-I-Is that a student?" She stutters, sending a glare to Alex who is laughing madly as she nudges Harry and points at the ferret that is down Goyle's trousers.

"Technically, it's a ferret."

McGonagall raises her wand allowing Draco to change back into his human self, "My father will hear about this!"

"Is that a threat!" Mad-Eye yells chasing him around the tree, "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!"

"We never use transfiguration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that."

Moody looks down at his feet, "He might've mentioned it."

"Well you will do well to remember it."

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