Chapter 9

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Ron holds his hand out just before Alex's head can fully hit the table in the library, he flicks the book in front of him keeping his hand under her head.

A large book dropping in front of them makes her jolt awake, "Jellybeans." She exclaims.

Madam Pince shushes her, Alex looks up at Hermione while rubbing her eyes, "I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid? I checked it out weeks ago for a bit of light reading."
Ron raises a brow at her, "This is light?"

Sending a stern glare, she opens the book up and flicks through the pages, "Of course. Here it is! 'Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone'!"

"The what?" The other three chime in usion.

Hermione sighs and rolls her eyes, "Honestly, don't you three read? 'The Philosophers Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker Immortal'."


"It means you'll never die." Alex says.

"I know what it means!"

"Honestly, Ronald, you'd think that-"

"Shh!" Harry interrupts the pair's bickering.

"The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday!" That's what Fluffy's guarding on the 3rd floor. That's what's under the trapdoor...the Philosopher's Stone!"


"Hagrid!" Harry exclaims.

The Half-Giant smiles at the Quartet, "Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude but I'm in no fit state to entertain today."

"We know about the Philosophers Stone." The four chime in usion.

His eyes widen and he ushers them inside, "We think Snape is trying to steal it!"

"Snape?" Hagrid exclaims, "Blimey, Harry, you're not still on about him are you?"

"Hagrid, we know he's after the Stone. We just don't know why."

"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone! He's not about to steal it!"

Harry backs down and sighs, "What?"

Alex shifts uncomfortably as she removes her robe, "You heard. Right, come on, now, I'm a bit preoccupied today."

"Wait a minute? One of the teachers?"

"Of course," Hermione says, "There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there? Spells, enchantments."

"Hagrid?" Alex questions as she fans herself with her hand, "Why is it so hot in here?"

Ron's eyes widen as Hagrid hurries over to the fire place and takes out a large egg, "Uh, Hagrid, what exactly is that?"

The red head still watches the egg with wide eyes, "I know what that is! But Hagrid, how did you get one?"

"What is it?" Alex asks sitting beside Ron and petting Fang's head.

"I won it," Hagrid says cheerily, "Off a stranger I met down at the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact."

The egg begins to crack and the five of them lean forward,, "Is that a... dragon?"

Alex and Ron exchange a glance before turning back to the dragon, "Holy- Hagrid, is that a Norwegian Ridgeback?"

"Yes, it is!" Ron exclaims, "My brother, Charlie, works with these in Romania."

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid gushes, "Oh, bless him, he knows who his Mummy is. Hallo, Norbert."

"Norbert?" Harry repeats.

"Well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he?"

The four watch giggling to themselves as Hagrid begins to play with the dragon.

"Ohh! Oooh, ooh, ooh, well...he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course. Who's that?"

They follow his gaze towards the window where a flash of pale blonde is seen before running away, "Malfoy."


"Shh, Ronald, for Goodness sakes." Alex hisses.

Ron yelps as a noise is heard in the distance, he grabs onto Alex's arm and she shoots his a glare.

"Hagrid always wanted a dragon, he told me when I first met him."

"It's crazy," Ron exclaims finally letting go of Alex's arm as the ghosts have now passed, "And worse, Malfoy knows."

"I don't understand, is that bad?"

"It's bad."

McGonagall walks around the corner causing Ron to jump and cling onto Alex's arm again, "Good evening." Malfoy smirks as he steps out from behind her.

"Nothing, I repeat, nothing, gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken."

Ron gapes at her, "Fifty?"

"Each. And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention."

Malfoy's smile vanishes, "Excuse me, Professor. Perhaps I heard you wring. I thought you said, 'the five of us'?"

"No you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, as honourable as your attentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will serve detention with your classmates."

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