Hermione stops suddenly and sighs, "What?"

"We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry. Alex, Ginny and I, we prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding."

"Actually, Ginny and 'Mione made the cake, I sort of just ate the batter when they were done."

"I appreciate the thought, but given the fact that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago...." Harry trails off and they all nod.

"Right," Hermione sighs, "Perspective."

"We need to get off the streets, get somewhere safe." Ron says tightening his grip on Alex.

Suddenly she has an idea, she stops making everyone else stop, "I... I think I know a place."


Alex takes a deep breath before opening the door to her old house, the other three walk in after her suddenly a large gust of wind in the form of Dumbledore comes racing towards them, Alex squeals and jumps back as the four of them huddle into the corner allowing the ghost like thing to pass.

"What was that all about?"

"Probably Mad-Eye's idea, in case Snape decided to come snooping."

"Homenum Revelio."

Harry sighs in relief as they walk through the corridor, "We're alone."

They walk through to the living room which is completely bare besides a few old piece of furniture, "What happened?" Ron asks.

"Looks like someone's been here."

"Wait, where's Alex gone?"

Ron sighs as he glances at the stairs behind them, "I'll go check on her."

Ron finds Alex standing in the middle of her old room, the room looks exactly the same as it did when they came home for Christmas fifth year, nothing has been moved, her unfinished Homework is still laying open on the desk gathering a large amount of dust.

The stars on her ceiling still cast a greenish glow over the room, her small black dog teddy still lies on her bed alone and her many muggle band posters are still in their right places.

"I never came back," She whispers not even turning to look at him, "I never had the guts."

Ron stays leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed watching her carefully, "Didn't even come back for any photos, clothing, left it all here," She continues on, "We had our last proper conversation right there." She points to the edge of her bed and she walks towards it stopping as if someone was actually sat there looking back at her.

"Right now, Jellybean, promise if anyone gives you any trouble-"

"Yes, Dad, I'll let you know, I have a feeling Umbridge won't last until the next term."

He chuckled shaking his head slightly, "I just- want you to be safe, is all."

She nodded her head sighing as she sat beside him finally giving up with her homework and leaving it on her desk, "I will, just promise me you'll be careful too."

He nodded holding his pinkie finger out for her to link hers with, "I promise I'll be careful, what am I going to do now that my professional spider catcher is leaving again?"

She shrugged, "Catch them yourself."

He quickly shook his head, "Oh, never, I'm not touching those things."

She laughed loudly shaking her head with a sigh as she did, "Your mother would be proud of you, Alex," He said seriously, her laugh died down to be replaced with a smile, "I'm proud of you."

Alex closes her eyes taking a deep breath in before steadily breathing out and reopening her eyes only for them to catch sight of a photo.

In the photo its Ron and Alex, it was during Christmas break, Alex is singing loudly in the kitchen and she drags a very pink Ron up to dance with her as people laugh in the back ground.

Next to that one is a photo of her when she was a baby, her mother holds her in the Hospital bed, Sirius has an arm wrapped around them and he looks from his wife to daughter lovingly, Remus stands next to Sirius with a smile as he holds a bouquet of flowers. On the other side is a very heavily pregnant red head, Lily, who rests a hand on Annabelle's shoulder and finally is a tall brunet, James, who is holding a balloon that he has had written 'Welcome Home, Padfoot the Second'.

"I've lost them both, I never really had one but just when I thought I could be happy, just when I finally had a family, it got taken away from me."

She turns to finally look at him, "In third year, when we found my dad, I was so happy, I thought maybe wishes do come true, maybe dreams can be reached. Why'd he leave me again? Why did he have to go?"

Ron's heart clenches at the brokenness in her voice, her eyes fill with tears as she stares over at him, within one quick motion he's across the room and she's in his arms.

"He's not gone, Lex," He whispers holding her close as she shakes, "I promise you that he's watching over you, right now, both of them are."

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