The boring tone of the meeting, paired with the new warmth, makes Mare feel even sleepier. It's not long before she finds herself leaning fully against Maven's leg, shutting her eyes for just a moment.

She shudders when he rests his hand against the top of her head, scratching at her scalp. It feels good.

Though the meeting continues around them, council members speaking low with one another, they don't stop when Maven leans down to whisper. Mare wonders if they're too afraid of him to make sure he's paying attention.

"Hi," Maven's breath is warm on Mare's ear.

"Hello," Mare smiles, trying not to lean into him, despite how desperate she feels for his attention. After long days of spending every second alone in her room, Mare relishes anything he'll give her. Though she feels pathetic for wanting it, for wanting him, she can't help the longing she feels whenever she's allowed around people.

Maven drums his fingers along the table, ignoring the session as it continues without him. "Do you like your new collar?"

Mare's answer is immediate. She doesn't even have to think about it. "No."

"Aw," Maven sighs, the chain jingling as he tightens his grip. "That's not very nice, I had it made just for you."

"It hurts," Sitting up to glare at him, Mare hisses each word between her teeth. "I hate it."

Frowning, Maven shrugs, shifting within his stone chair. "I expect a thank you-"

"Why would I thank you for torturing me? For adding to my suffering?"

Maven's fingers are searingly hot against her jaw. He holds her head up, forcing her to look at him. Mare struggles to keep her teeth closed, but with the new Silence, she's weaker. He moves her mouth, squeezing it open with his thumb and forefinger. When he whispers again, his tone is darker, angry, forcing Mare to mouth the words along with him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Mare wishes for her lightning, knowing she would kill him on the spot if she could. But, she is powerless here, completely at his mercy. She knows when she should obey. Mare spits when he lets her go, voice dripping venom as she repeats it through gritted teeth. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Good girl," Maven drawls, running his hand through her hair again. "You can be so pretty when you're obedient."

Rolling her eyes, Mare tries to ignore the weight of his hand against her. She startles when he tugs on her leash, yanking her head upwards. The action hurts, sending spikes of pain through her throat. She hasn't had the chance to look at it, but Mare can finally feel the sharp metal digging into her skin. With enough force, she's certain it would slice her open, forcing her to bleed out in front of the entire council.

Maven keeps the leash tight, knuckles white. Mare lets herself follow, finally able to see over the marble table. Her head is too cloudy to read any of Maven's work, and she curses the new Silent Stone under her breath.

Across the table, a man Mare doesn't recognize continues to speak. Out of the others seated around their table, he must be important, denoted by his arrogant demeanor. "-raise property tax by two percent for Common Silvers residing in The Capital River Valley, to maintain Albanus' current necessities and ensure funds to Grey Town, Arborus, Summerton, and Archeon."

Mare watches as Maven leans forward, signing the bottom of some long, densely packed document with his beautiful, swirling signature. He waves his free hand before pressing a small stamp against the form, sealing it with the emblem of Norta, The Burning Crown.

"Approved," He says, and the council chamber echoes with a flurry of documents, papers overturning as each member moves to the next proposal.

The meeting continues the same way. A proposal, a discussion, Maven's approval, and a wave of page turning. The sound is ear-splitting, forcing the creeping headache further along in Mare's skull. She tries to shut her eyes, still choked by the collar, sitting perfectly straight on her knees so she doesn't have to struggle. Her back aches, spine arched to accommodate the collar, and spikes of pain travel through her entire body.

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