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The jailor's hand on my left butt cheek kept me propelled in the right direction down the hallway towards the courtroom where my case would be heard in the Frank Crowley Courts building. I had a serious problem. I was extremely aroused when I was removed from my cell. My jailor smelling my slave heat just grinned and shook his head as he gagged me and cuffed my hands behind my back. Once again he took every opportunity to goose my wet pussy with his finger as he lubed it, then bringing his wet digit back to my rosebud and burrowing in until the tip was firmly lodged in my ass. This spiked my arousal as my body was enjoying this attention while my mind protested. By the time we arrived at the courtroom my vagina was throbbing out of control as I felt my pussy lips becoming engorged and peeling open displaying my arousal for all to see as I entered the courtroom.

To say I was nervous was an understatement. I would be appearing in court dressed as a prisoner wearing only an inmate collar with my hands cuffed behind my back. My fate would be determined this morning by some judge. Due to my current condition the judge would only see me as a naked sexually aroused slave and not Daphne Calloway, summa cum laude college graduate, accountant and future CPA. I believed in Claire Kincaid, my attorney, but with each step bringing me closer to the courtroom I felt my confidence waning. I found Claire waiting for me at one counsel table and Calum and Ms. Price were sitting at the other. Could they see how wet my kitty was? Soon I was standing next to Claire blushing in embarrassment, spying my father in the audience as the deputy removed my gag. My father was accompanied by Rhonda, my step-mother, and Glen Bedford, a good friend who was also Calum's father.

Claire leaned over whispering in my ear, "Don't worry about your slave heat. Remember, I do the talking and you follow instructions without any hesitation. Got it?" I nodded my understanding while blushing even more.

The bailiff brought the courtroom to order announcing, "All rise, Department 12 of the Dallas County Court, state of Texas, is in session, the Honorable Judge Vivian Kensington presiding, you may be seated." Claire and I remained standing while everyone else took their seats.

Holy shit, my judge was a woman. Judge Kensington was a tall lady with shorter graying hair in her late forties. I would also characterize her as a big strong woman that could have played basketball or volleyball in college. She carried herself with an air of authority of a person accustomed to being obeyed. She leered down at me like a bull dyke, causing my pussy to throb. Could I even become any more stimulated? It felt like she was undressing me with her eyes even though I wasn't wearing any clothes, and her eyes kept my pussy a soggy mess. I squeezed my thighs together smearing my arousal on them trying not to drip in court. Now that would be embarrassing.

The judge called my case and the attorneys made their appearances. Court was going pretty much as Claire predicted while she outlined the terms of the civil compromise for the judge. The worst part for me was when she described my sexual exploits from the day before that justified the high four-year reserve price. I took a quick peek over at Daddy and he just looked upset and utterly defeated. Thankfully Glen Bedford was there with him, keeping him under control. That's what friends are for after all. The judge was commenting that everything appeared in order when representatives from the DA's office arrived to oppose the civil compromise.

"Your honor, Warner Huntington, for the people. I am accompanied by an intern."

Cringing, I heard a familiar voice. "Elle Woods, certified legal intern under the supervision of Mr. Huntington."

That was when things started going downhill fast. Elle Woods was my predecessor as president of my sorority, graduating a year ahead of me. She bore an uncanny resemblance to the actress Reese Witherspoon, dressing perfectly while displaying all of her assets like the tramp that she was. We were frenemies in the house, especially when I beat her handpicked successor for president. She could be a mean, spiteful girl when provoked. When one of my pledge sisters who offended Elle was enslaved for a family debt, Elle and a few of her friends went to see her sale, taunting her while she was on display prior to the auction. My current situation was one that Elle was going to enjoy. Elle had an air of arrogance sneering at me as she continued to address the court.

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