cotton candy

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You thanked your lucky stars you had a fresh pedi, nails painted an acceptable white. Your hands rubbed your clit, the other covering your mouth, thinking of the children, you stupid future detainee for public indecency. Satoru laughed, high-pitched and bouncing around the walls. You had it in you to glare at him, but your mind was spinning like the floss machine you two were at ten minutes ago to buy the candy floss that now stained his face and, as a result, left pink streaks on the inside of your thighs, your neck, your nipples. You looked up at him smiling without a care in the world, and you were struck once again by how gorgeous he was, sunglasses perched on his white hair, looking down on you through snowy lashes. You hummed in satisfaction at the pink spots on his cheeks, the veins popping out on his smooth neck.

"Pretty boy," you muttered, the corners of your lips turning up. His brows shot up teasingly. He bit his sugary lips at the compliment.

"You really think I'm pretty?" He replied in feigned shock, fanning himself with the candy floss he still held in his hand, like a blushing maid in an old-fashioned cowboy movie. You laughed at him, grabbing his wrist to lick the candy floss, mimicking the scandalous way he did so earlier.

Satoru groaned at the sight, hips snapping faster into you. If he was pretty, then he thought you looked fucking fantastic spread out below him, alll sex-wrecked face and shaking limbs. This was all for him, only for him. He was a cocky bastard, true to his brand, but he still couldn't believe he was fucking you in a Tokyo Joypolis restroom. You were new to Japan, and a huge nerd, so of course you dragged him here. Now he was having the time of his life. He wondered if anyone would come in. He hoped someone would come in. You'd probably cream on the spot like the filthy slut he knew you were, once you looked into the shocked eyes of whichever poor son of a bitch happened to need a piss.

He knew there was zero shame between the both of you. You were soaked. Your slick was cooling on his lower abdomen as you pushed his shirt up, pinching his nipples. He ran his thumb on the fine gold chain on your ankle, tracing the pendant shaped into the characters of his name. Next time, he thought, as his cool, smooth hand travelled up to rest on your neck. Next time I'll get you a necklace to match, maybe a collar, for all the world to see. I'd fucking brand it into your skin if you'd let me. I'm a goddamn king, baby. I get to put my name on whatever the fuck I want.

You moaned at the feral look on his eyes, a mismatch for the cool smirk on his face and the way he still held his candy floss up what the fuck Satoru is my pussy game off today? You pinched your clit between two fingers, whining at him to give you more more more.

Oh shit, you blanched as his hips stopped completely at your words, oh shit oh fucking shit I'm in trouble.

"More?" Satoru laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Okay then, more." I'll give you more, you filthy little slut. I'll fucking break your back over these shitty sinks, hold on. He wished more than anything to be able to say his thoughts out loud, but he would cum if he did, which would be a right shame. He was just getting started.

Slowly, he took another bite of the candy floss, rolling the sugar around in his mouth. Slowly, as he watched you shrink into the tile in trepidation, he bent down to your face.

His hand suddenly grabbed your cheeks, forcing your mouth open. Oh my fucking god, you screamed in your mind, unable to move. Your pussy throbbed in anticipation, heart beating so fast it made you feel sick.

Swishing the candy around in his mouth, Satoru looked at you, eyes narrowed in lust and silent, cruel laughter. Without warning, he spit into your mouth one, two, three times, cleaning out the candy floss in his mouth. You choked on his flavored spit, your wild moans gurgling in your throat. You sounded positively depraved.

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