"stark men are made of iron."

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live laugh love tony stark tbh

howard stark can kiss my ass tho

non-compliant to any of the marvel movies; tony stark as a child

tw: child abuse, eating issues


Tony Stark was struggling. Literally. He was on the verge of death, since he decided to drink till he couldn't function normally. At the age of fifteen, he was losing his will to live (or had he already lost it?), was going through all kinds of mental and physical pain and had no support system.

Well, there was Rhodey, but he'd graduated already and was off at military training. He said he'd study at MIT once Tony was there, so that they'd be able to be in the same year, so he wouldn't have to leave Tony all alone again. But Tony knew that Rhodey was probably going to be deployed and sent to fight, because Rhodey was going to be a good soldier.

And there was Pepper, but she was his father's very young interning assistant, who was also Rhodey's age, three years older than Tony, and in her first year at college. She wouldn't be able to do much for Tony, despite constantly being near the Stark Mansion.

He had no friends at school, because he put up a front that made people shy away from him. He sometimes chose to hang out with Tiberius Stone and Sunset Bain, but they didn't really like Tony, and he knew that. The 'Avengers' didn't like him either, and they liked everyone, which was how Tony knew he was a bad person.

Okay, not everyone, but Steve Rogers liked everyone but the bullies, Clint Barton was an extrovert who talked to anyone if he liked them, Natasha Romanoff was terrifying, Thor Odinson was the friendliest almost-giant in the school and, like Rogers, liked everyone but bullies. James Barnes was quiet and almost as terrifying as Romanoff, and then there was Bruce.

Bruce Banner was Tony's partner in science, and they got along well. Bruce didn't talk much, often choosing to stay quiet and do work, but he listened to Tony's rambling almost always, and engaged in conversation when he was given the chance. But he didn't really like Tony, he just liked Tony's knowledge. So he was more of a mutual. Not a friend. Not a support system.

There was Jarvis, though. Jarvis, despite Tony never confiding in him, was always there for the youngest Stark. Whenever Howard got mad at Tony, Jarvis was always there to pick up the pieces, and was more of a father to Tony than Howard ever was.

And Ana, who played more of a motherly role than Maria Stark. She tried for a bit, but eventually her cold marriage wore her down and she turned to intoxicants for comfort, rather than her son, who was more than willing to be there for her. 

So now here Tony was, at fifteen, wasting away because no one was helping him to be better. No friends to physically be there for him, no teachers that actually liked him except one (because everyone at Shield High thought he was an arrogant, spoiled jackass), and several unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Tony was smart. People knew he was smart, but no one knew how smart. He went to MIT for a week before returning to high school, being told he needed to improve his social skills with people his age. But sophomore year was too easy, so he stayed a sophomore but attended senior classes, AP if they were available.

Dr Yinsen liked Tony because not only was he smart, but under the facade, he was a sweet, kind student. Tony often hung out with Dr Yinsen (which yes, might be a bit embarrassing, but he did it regardless) when he didn't want to be with Ty and Sunset. 

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