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Five years later.

A young man dressed in a black turtleneck sweater with a dark green overcoat overlooked a big house for a minute before two kids no more than six came out of the house to play with the snow.

"Mum! Hansel is cheating." A girl cried out, dodging the ball of snow as she ran from her twin.

"Accept defeat!" The boy called Hansel cried out, throwing his snowball.

Hansel succeed in taking his twin sister down but offered his hands to help her up.

The girl spotted Jordan by his car and waved him. The twin followed her gaze and did the same.

The young man found himself, wearing a smile as he waved them back.

"Hello, Mister. Will you like to come in? " The boy asked.

Jordan shook his head before before he made his way back to his car and drove off.

The kids cried after him and waved him off.

A little of his dark brown hair could be seen under the black beanie he wore.

Soon, he parked his car and made his way to the park. He noticed the clear sky void of sunshine or cloud of any sort. Sunrise park.

He took in the fresh air as he walked up to the white pond where children of five and above as well as teens played on the frozen surface.

A silver haired woman stood there, watching the kids play in the ice while she stayed near a bench not too far away from the ice.

The man walked up to her with a smile mixed with different emotions.

"Catherine," He said as she turned her head to him. Her blue eyes pierced into his brown eyes.

"It has been a while," She said flatly, before turning back to watch the children play.

"How have you been?" He asked her.

"I am terrific, didn't graduated from Yale like I always wanted but I got a job offer as a junior associate with a law firm but decided to take a gap year and spend time with my grandfather. And I left Robin. What about you?"

"I became an Architect but I'm taking care of the family business for now. And I haven't had a serious relationship as I spend more time with my nephew and family. Marco is just as playful and sweet as Harper." He said, chuckling at the thought of Marco and his relationships that never went beyond two dates.

"Harper was playful but now he is always either playing golf or reading. He wants to become a pro golfer. Our 'hate the system' kid." She grinned.

"What about Delia and Owen?" He asked, kicking the snow off his shoes.

"Delia is studying linguistics in Chicago and Owen is still busy with work and no love life as he took over grandfather's business. As for mama, she is happy taking care of James with Zara, Uncle Sam and grandfather."

"Marco and James are nearly the same age." He said and she nodded to it, "What about your books? "

"I am plan to write a book next year but for now, let life take its course. I don't know."

"You know despite all this years, I wonder why..." He sighed as he looked at the half heart on his turtleneck.

"It took us different people and years to come back. Looking back, we can't change it." She said, "We are not the same teens who fell in and out of love."

"We couldn't hold a distance relationship. We knew from the moment that my parents came through that door."

"And I met Rob, the boy I was willing to sell you for," She laughed. "He picked me up like I was the most delicate thing and I was nothing to him."

His heart saddened at her words. "We all got a dose of that, love is a two edged sword and it hurts." He thought of those girls he had thought he could be with. Thought they could be the one or replace her.

"Love and empty promises are five and six. I would definitely say Infatuation looking back." She laughed.

"I promised that I will be back, didn't I?" He thought of those times that he came back, to her house, to the pond but never once saw her.

She nod her head. "I should have made that call sooner. I couldn't come back. I thought lying—"

"It doesn't matter now that you are here." He said.

"You are still so forgiving." She chuckled softly.

"We can't change the past but we can change the future." He said as they strolled down the path.

"It is weird because I still—"

"Love you?" He watched her nod.

"Yeah, I still love you."

"Me too. It is bigger than the romantic love we had. From the memories, we shared and the bond that binds us." He lifted his chain to her.

"We love it," She lifted hers from from her wrist. "Our own memory bringer." She laughed and he joined in, closing the distance between them.

As their laughs died down, he took her pinky finger in his own. Holding it as he wasn't ready to let go.

Jessica didn't said anything as he did so or as they turned to walk out of the park, side by side.

The silence accompanied them as she started, swinging their cuffed hands as they walked out.

"Thank you, Jordan for being my safe haven."

"And you brought me home. Back to where I belong." He said as they continued their journey.

Thank you for taking that bet. Thank you for making that call. And thank you for loving me. Thank you for being my Angel, Jessica catherine Waters. 

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