Chapter 9 Double distraction

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Few days later

June 12th


Jongho POV:

Oh boy what a day today was gonna be for me. Since Y/n was with me and we had a job to do. I had to make sure both of us were secure and safe when we do my job. "Now Y/n this job of mine is a bit dangerous" I started to explain to her while I handed her a jacket. "We will be separated when we start but we'll have a walkie-talkie to keep in contact" Getting ready myself, Y/n and I waited in Yunho Van. "It's about time" Yunho said as Y/n and I exited the Van and started to walk away for a bit.

"Remember Y/n, were here to distract the guards"

Y/n POV:

Not liking what I have to do today. I follow Jongho instructions as I was now alone. "Can you hear me Y/n?" I heard as I pulled out the walkie-talkie and spoke to it. "Loud and clear Jongho" Looking around to keep coast clear as Jongho spoke to me. "Good, now I need you to keep an eye out and make sure to keep the guards away from Yunho Van while the others do their part" Knowing what he meant, I kept walking around to see if any guards were around. "I will be honest with you Jongho, this is the must stupidest thing we're doing" I confessed since out of all things to do, having to distract and keep from getting caught was ridiculous.

"I know, but it what we can do for now" Jongho chuckled through the walkie-talkie as he agrees with my statement. Soon enough I heard whistles and someone shouting behind me. "There, it's one of those damn outcast brats!" A guard said as he and five other guards comes running towards me. "Shit" Not wasting a minute, I started to take off running as I had to keep the guards away from Yunho as much as I could. "Get back here!" I couldn't help but laugh since they were funny if they thought I was gonna stop for them.
Running to a build and climbed a fire escape I manage to reach. I look to see the guards calling for back up as I took off climbing the fire escape. "Jongho, how much longer do we have til we can leave" I ask through the walkie-talkie hope it would be over soon enough cause I'm not gonna be able to out run the guards forever. "Just a few more minutes, can you hold off" When I said I could I turn to see guards not far behind as I looked somewhere to escape. I saw another fire escape a few feet away from me but looks like I have to jump to it.

"Nowhere to run girly" A guard said with a creepy smirk and we came towards me. "Think again" Taking the risky route I did, I ran towards the edge of the roof an jumped. As I manage to grab the railing to pull myself up and over it, I saw Jongho below me. "Jongho!" I yell out as he looked up to see me and was surprised as I climbed down the fire escape. "Not gonna ask how you got here but we should get going" He said as he took my hand and we ran knowing that the guards aren't far behind us. 

"Capture them now!" We heard as I look to see all the guards that was chasing me was now behind us. "That girl will be mine!" Glaring at the guard who said that, I felt Jongho hand tight on my wrist as he picked up the pace. I struggle a little to keep up but we manage to get to Yunho van with a 1 minute to spare. Once we were inside, Yunho took off with us as the guards yelled for us to stop. "Creeps" see the can of red paint behind me, I grabbed it an open the can as I told Jongho to open the back really quick.

"Whatever your doing, make it quick!" Yunho said and I did as I toss the red paint at the guards as few of them got cover by it. Then I throw the whole can at them hope to hit on of the bastard. Closing the doors and holding onto whatever was available, Yunho sped up the van as we manage to get the others and exit the city.

Jongho POV:

When we got back to the base and gave reports on the whole thing. I felt a bit annoyed and frustrated when I remember hearing one of the guards say something about Y/n. "You good Jongho?" I heard as Wooyoung and the others looked at me. "I'm fine, don't worry about me" I said to them even tho HongJoong is the type to make everyone confess on something that frustrate us. "Be honest Jong, we can tell something is bothering you" Hongjoong said and I sighed since I knew this was gonna happen.

"*Sighs* When Y/n and I were running from the guards back to Yunho, one of them said they'll calm Y/n as their" I confessed even tho I didn't want to but I did anyway. Y/n who was somewhere else at the moment came into the room holding she shoulder that was still healing. "Am I interrupting something?" She ask as we could tell that she was nerves even tho we didn't want her to be nervous around us. "Your fine n/n (Nickname), is there something you need?" Seonghwa spoke up as we all looked at Y/n while she nodded her head. "I think the stitches came undone when I decided to jump from a building" Y/n said with a nervous smile as we all got up in surprised/shock.
"Are you fucking nuts! You have some explaining to do" HongJoong said as San went with Y/n to go check on her stitches. "So that's how she caught up with me" I mutter to myself as we all were surprised by Y/n words when she said she jumped from a building.

"We got ourselves a crazy gal that for sure"

The outcasts Love (Rebel Ateez x Shy female Reader) {Complete}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora