Chapter 4 Running

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Two Days later

May 16th


Y/n POV:

Today I was walking around town with San. I wanted to see more and hang out with the guys but everyone was busy doing something. San was the only one available so I asked if we could hang out since I would like to get to know him more. "So San, how long have you guys known each other?" I started up the question since the quiet was a little awkward. "Hmm, I would say about 4 years give or take" San looked at me as he gave one of his cheeky cute smile.

"Wow, that long huh" Blushing from his cheeky smile. San chuckled softly as we continue our walk. "What about you, do you have any friends?" San ask and I couldn't help but stop walk for a moment which cause me to stop. I sighed softly since my family never let me had any friends cause of being the imperfect child. "No I never had friends, my parents wouldn't let me cause they wanted me to study and study an do practice to be a perfect child in the family" I looked at him as he frowned a bit when he heard me out before taking my hand in his gently.

"That's is horrible, The guys and I will be your friends Y/n that for certain" San brought my hand up an gently place a kiss on it. I turned red when he did that since no one has ever done that to me before. "Your too sweet" I chuckled softly with red cheeks since being around him and his friends always makes me shy. "Shall we continue our walk 'Princess'" I cringe at the name that he said cause San to laugh which got me laughing. Nodding my head, we continue our walk as the scenery was nice to look at when no one around.
I looked down to see our hands holding each other. I smiled with pink cheeks since as San looked at me then at our hands. He lightly tighten his hold as we comment on the scenery, each other and talk about what we like to do.

"Since I know Seonghwa like to work on bikes and others vehicles. What do you and the others do?" I was curious since I know what Seonghwa does but the others I haven't yet to know anything about. "Well what everyone does is a bit complicated to explain" San said softly as we stopped by an empty factory. "Then can you tell me what you do then, if that's alright with you?" I didn't want to pry since he and his friends were allowing me to stay with them so I couldn't ask much about their work.

San look hesitate at first, like he was worried that I would be scared of him or something. "Do you promise to keep it to yourself if I tell you?" San ask since he wanted to make sure that he could trust me. I nodded my head and lightly tighten my hand on his hand as he did the same with me. San give me a soft smile, pulled me to him close as we walked into the factory. When we were inside and away from prying eyes, San turn to me an show a room he opened.

"What I do is be the creator of the fliers we throw around, steal of others that could help me do my work" San spoke as he showed me all the work and things he had around. I was quiet when I heard him out taking a good look at the papers that were laying out and the things he stole. "My work is just a minor things compare to the others" San chuckled as he let go of my hand to pick up a duffle bag and place it on the table.
"So that why you asked me if I could keep a secret" I mentioned as San started to put all the fliers he hand in the table into the bag. "Yea, it's not that I don't trust you Y/n but with the damn government being the way they are. I just want us and the others to be safe" He said as he closed the bag and hid it somewhere in the ceiling so no one could find it. I understand what he meant since this government has screwed everything up. Having family needing to be prefect or be the best so they could recruit more to help fight and such. "We should...*Alarm goes off!!*" I jumped in fright when the alarm of the place started to go off as San quickly turn on the monitor next to him.

"Shit, the guards are here" San grabbed everything he could and toss it until the ceiling as I keep an eye on the monitor. When he was done and close the hidden board. We heard someone trying to open the door to the room we're in. "Out the fire escape!" San had us climb out of the window onto the fire escape. Looking around to see if any guards were around, San jumped down to the ground as he turn to me. "Jump!" Just when I did and San caught me in his arms.

We heard someone shouting as we saw a guard coming towards us. "Run!" I didn't had to think twice as San and I took off running. As we ran as fast as we could, more guards started to chase us. "Get them, shoot them down if needed!" A guard yelled as I was frighten by what I heard. "Keep running and don't look back" San said as we ran as much as we could til we got corner to a ocean.

"What do we do!" I was panicking since I never had this happen to me. The guards was closing in on us and we didn't had anywhere to run. "Do you trust me" San suddenly said as I looked at him in surprised. I nodded my head as he took me into his arms when the guards now surround us. "Surrender now you outcasts, you don't have anywhere to run!" One of the guards spoke up as San glared at them.
"Not a chance" San grin as he looked at me. The next minute I knew, everything around me flew. San took both of us into the ocean as everything was dark.

San POV:

This wasn't the best idea of mine but it had to be done. Throwing both myself and Y/n into the ocean, the guards wouldn't be able to follow us. Being the great swimmer, Y/n and I swam til we were far enough away from the guards. Once we rose to the top of the water and gasped for air. I quickly looked around to see no guards near us.

Y/n who was gasping for air looked at me. "Before you say anything, I know what I did was....!!!" Before I could finish saying what I wanted to say. Y/n shushed me by pressing her lips against mine. I was surprised by the action she pulled, when she pulled away. I looked at her and was wondering what was going through her mind.

"Let's head back before we get sick"

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