Chapter 11 Hostage

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A week later

June 20th

The city outskirts

Y/n POV:

Today Hongjoong and the others were about to start a broad cast. To the whole world that what the government has been and such. I was off to the side to watch since not only they were do a speech. They were also gonna start taking down major factors of the government one by one. "Everything is set guys, are you ready?!" I yell to them on the side as I was ready to press the switch. When the guys were ready, Hongjoong turn to me and gives me a thump up to turn on the switch.

"Here we go" When I turn on the switch and watch as all the screens change to show the guys. "Listen up everyone, everything about this government, city and it's people has been corrupted an needs to change!" Hongjoong started to say as everything around us and hopefully the city to the world can hear them. As they go on about how the government change the environment, the people are suffering and so on. I watch with a smile as they continue their speech. "We will change this government, it's people and the environment to a new world that doesn't need corrupted system then take people away from their dreams!!" Hongjoong finished off before Yeosang held out a remote and pushed a button.
Suddenly everything in the area were in turned off. "This should stir up the 'bees nest' a bit now that they got our message" Seonghwa said as the guys nodded their heads before heading towards me. "What do we do now?" I ask since they haven't fully told me what was going on with their plan.

"We wait and see who all decided to turn their backs against the government" Jongho mentioned as Hongjoong turn to me and looked at me. "This is only the first part of our plan to retake the city and it's government" He stated as San gently wrap an arm around me waist. "Look over there at the city" San pointed out as I look towards the city to see that he was talking about. "What about it?" Confused by what San was trying to show me. He move his finger up towards the sky to the air blimps that were over the city.

"Those air blimps are our next target, we manage to mark all of them with our symbol" He mentioned as I saw what he had meant by it. Before I could say something next. I heard something skidder towards us as I look down to see a small ball. "What..*Flashed*!!" The round ball thing let out a large flashed that caused us all to be soundly blinded by it. "What the hell!" Kicking the damn thing away over the rail of the roof of the building were on. The guys and I manage to regain our vision as I looked around.

Suddenly someone wrapped an arm around me neck and had me in a chokehold. "Your coming with me" I heard as I realized that voice. It's was a guard that snuck up on us as he took me as a hostage. "Let her go!" Wooyoung yelled out as the other Glared at the man. "Like I'm gonna listen to you freaks, this girl is coming with me" The guard that was a creep before said as he tighten his hold on me. Dragging me off with a gun pointed towards the guys. I fought back as much as I could to break free.

Hongjoong POV:

This bastard has the nerve to take our girl hostage. Pointing a gun towards us, the guard was dragging Y/n away as she fought back. "I'm gonna have fun torturing this girl and make her mine" The guard open the door behind him with a smirk as we growled at him. "You so dead" I gritted my teeth as the guard was out of our sight with Y/n.

Y/n POV:

When the guards took me away from the guys. He took me to an alley and threw me to the ground and pointed his gun at me. "It's a shame I could take you away gently but you were being a bad girl, now you'll be punished" The creep guard said as he smack the barrel of his gun against my face hard. I yip at the pain as he did it again before grabbing me by the hair. "What a waste of a pretty face" I growled at the guard which cause him to laugh because shoving me back to the ground.

"Now let's have some fun" The guard smark as he put his gun away and pulled out a knife. I was kicking the guard in the knee, I quickly tried to get up but the guard growl and grabbed my leg. This cause me to kick him in the face to let me go but it only pisses the guard off even more. "Now your pissing me off" The guard gritted his teeth as he swung his knife and cutted my leg. I yelled in pain and reached for something to hit this damn guard.
As he was went for another cut towards my stomach this time. Someone slammed into the guard and pinned him to the ground. "You bastard!" It was Seonghwa who was pinning and hitting the guard that was trying to break free.

Seonghwa POV:

Pissed off and in rage I was. I was beating the shit out of this bastard of a guard. When I was about to throw another punch, Someone caught my arm. "Hyung stop, you done enough!" It was Mingi who caught me arm as he and Hongjoong pulled me away from the bleeding guard. "Damn, remind me not to piss Hyung off" Wooyoung said as he picked up Y/n who bruised up and had a cut on her leg.

"Let's get out of here before someone sees us" Yunho mentioned as we quickly left the scene. When we got to Yunho Van and quickly drove out of the city. Wooyoung and Y/n lean against me while Jongho ripped a bit of his shirt to hand it to Woo an let him wrap it around Y/n cutted leg. "Shit Y/n, what did the creep do to you" Yeosang said as he gently touch Y/n bruised cheek. "Swung his gun and hit me with the barrel of it" Y/n hissed as the pain when Yeosang touch her cheek.

"That bastard better burn in hell"

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