Chapter 14 Sudden confession

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(Continuation of chapter 13)

June 27th

In the blimp

Y/n POV:

When Hongjoong and Yeosang got the blimp into the air. I looked out the window to see how the city looked from this height. "Wow, everything looks almost small from here" I suddenly spoke as I hear a light chuckle behind me. "Everything will look different once we get the government to surrender" It was Seonghwa who came up and stood beside me. "Are we sure that we're ready for this?" I looked at Seonghwa as he turn to look at me.

"I'm sure, we planned for this almost 5 years now" Seonghwa placed a hand on my head and lightly ruffles it. Everything had been sent in motion and now we had to just wait. When Seonghwa pulled his hand back, I took a step towards him and place a light kiss on his lip. This cause Seonghwa to be a bit surprised be he did kissed back with the same gentleness. "Bold of you to pull that Y/n" Seonghwa broke the kiss as he gave me a playful smile before caressing me cheek softly.

"Where my kiss" I heard as I turn to see Wooyoung leaning against the entrance. I chuckled softly before I went over to Wooyoung as he embraced me into his arms. "Someone is impatient~" I said in a light tease which cause Wooyoung to blush lightly but laugh at my teasing. "Don't tease me" Hw smiled softly before he leaned in and peck my lip softly. I felt happy that my feeling for these guys have now taken over. When Wooyoung and I parted, I felt someone wrap an arm around my waist as they pulled me close to their chest.

"Are we giving out kisses during the mission" It was Hongjoong as he must have seen Me and Wooyoung kiss."Well maybe I am" I chuckled softly as I turn to look at him. Hongjoong only gave me a soft smile as he set the blimp on autopilot. "Well looks like we all such gather up and talk about this" Hongjoong took my hand as he, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Yeosang an I went to find the others. All the others were in the main area as we arrive.
"What's going on?" Mingi saw us as the other turn to look at us. "Since we're in the main part of the mission, I think we should confess our true feelings" Hongjoong said as he looked shy before looking at me.

Hongjoong POV:

I know since the beginning that we have met Y/n. The guys and I had fallen in love with her as she is special to us. I know Y/n had been through a lot and will be going through more with us. So I wanted all of us to come clean and tell Y/n what we actually feel.

"Y/n, for a while now the guys and I have been thinking on something" I begin to speak as Seonghwa chime in. "We all thought about this and want you to be happy more then anything" Soon San chimed in and walked over to Y/n an took her hand in his. "We love you so much. The guys and I want you to be around girlfriend" Y/n who was listening was blushing red. "We're not forcing you to accept our feeling but we...!!!" Yeosang got cut off as Y/n kissed him before breaking it to look at all of us.

Y/n POV:

"I would love to be your girlfriend, I loved you guys for a while now and want to continue loving you guys" I said as all the guys was smiling with pink cheeks. I was happy that they want me to be their girlfriend. Jongho picked me up and spun me around we all laugh happily.

When he put me down. I was was able to kiss the rest of the guys. "Now shall we get this mission over with so we can go home" I said to them as they nodded their heads. During the Blimp journey, Hongjoong press a switch which open a door as all the new fliers San and I made started to pour out and flutter everywhere. "Our next target, The Government HQ" Hongjoong said as well all look towards the main building in the city. It was gonna be a tough mission for sure. "When do we think we'll set our course to the main building" I ask out of curiously. "In do time, but first let's stir the nest" Yeosang grinned as he turn to the computer of the blimp and plug in a USB. It was Yeosang net Bug that hacks anything with Yeosang command that he would type and sent.

"What should we mess with first Hun" Yeosang turn to me as I walked over to look at the computer. The net Bug did wave at me with was cute as I thought about it. "Let's aim for their important project that the other branches currently working on, the main even can happen when we start that mission" It was gonna be interesting as I was curious to see how this bug work that Yeosang made. "Your wish is my command" Yeosang typed in the commands and everything else that hacker do an sent it to the bug.

Not even a minute later. The net Bug disappeared and reappear with what looks like files and such. "Now we let the bug do it's work" Leaning again Yeosang as he wrap an arm around my waist. We watch as the net Bug go ham with with corrupting, deleting and so of with all the files and such it grabbed. "Now I think about it" Mingi spoke up as all of us turn to look at him.

"What's up Mingi?" Yunho ask as we all were curious. "What are we gonna do about Y/n family" I completely forgot about them to be honest. "They are persistent and I have to say that their not as prefect as they think their are from what Y/n said before" San spoke as I nodded my head. "There's is no prefect family to be honest" I said since my family was anything but prefect.

"If we need to take action against them, than so be it"

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