Chapter 1 The knights in leather

688 16 3

May 5th

Y/n Home


"Y/n it's time for your study" I heard my mother called out causing me to groan in annoyed. "I just studied an hour ago so fuck off mom!" I hiss while I lay in my bed and tired to relax. I could hear fast foot steps coming towards my room as my door was slam open. "What did you just say to me you stupid bitch!" My mother said in fury as I turn to look at her. "I said I already studied for the day so fuck off" I repeat before I turn back on my side of my bed but then I yank by my hair onto the floor.

"You listen here you dirt ugly bitch, you will do as I say or no food for day!" My mother hissed as she dragged me by my hair to leave my room. "LET GO YOU BITCH!" I kicked my mother leg to get her off of me while I shoved her out of my room and locked the door. "I WILL NOT STUDY ANYMORE TODAY, SO FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I yell so she could hear me as she pounded at my door.

"Wait til your father gets here, you'll regret it!" My mother yelled as she stomped away from my door. I glared as I quickly went to my closet and started to pack my bag. I was done with her bullshit attitude, the rules and everything else in this damn place. Once I finish and open the window to toss it outside. I could hear someone bashing at my bedroom door.
"Y/N ROSELINE BLACK, OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR NOW!" It was my father as he was in the middle of breaking the door down. I quickly move to the window and started to climbed out of it. As I was half way there, a loud crash sound had I knew my door was finally broken.

"Y/N!" I did not waste a minute when I jumped from the window down to the ground. The fall wasn't that high but it did stung my leg for a few moments. Grabbing my bag, I turn to see my parents over the window cussing me out before they rushed out of the window. "Time to go" I took off running in the quiet night street. I could hear my father yelling my name out as I look to see him running after me.

"Shit!" I picked up the pace as I did my best to out run my father who was an ex policeman. Just then I heard a gun shot gone off. I had feared what it was, my father had his gun on him an pointed it at me. "Are you fucking nuts!" I couldn't believe my own father would point his gun at me. "Stop or I fire again this time at you!" My father yelled as he was fucking insane if I was gonna stop now.

"Fuck you!" I kept going as far as I could. Soon I heard the fire of my father gun as something graze against my leg. The pain course through my body as I collapsed to the ground. I bit my lip trying not scream as i held my bleeding leg. "Finally I got you where I want you" My father said with a smirk as he kept his gun in his hand.
"Now you'll come back home and do as you are told!" I spat at his face which just pissed him of even more as grabbed me by my arm an picked me up forcefully. "Let the girl go" We heard as I looked to see three guys about my age if not older was standing behind my father:

 "Let the girl go" We heard as I looked to see three guys about my age if not older was standing behind my father:

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(Ignore the headsets of theirs lol)

"Or what, you punks" My father glared at the guys as they were ready to do something. I almost forget my father had a gun so I quickly knocked it out of his hand. Causing the gun to slide towards the guys before my father turn to me an gave me a punch to the face. I yelp in pain from it while I got toss to the ground. "I'll deal with you when we're home!" I couldn't run, I was beyond screwed and the pain from the punch an the sound my leg didn't help one bit.

"Your a sick man!" The blonde guy growl while the other two were closing in on my father. I was feeling dizzy from all the pain and blood I was losing. As the three guys attack my father since he decided to throw the first punch. I felt myself being lifted into someone arms causing me to look with my half close eyes. "It's alright, I got you" The voice of the gentleman that was hold said as I had a nice look keep the image in my head:

 "It's alright, I got you" The voice of the gentleman that was hold said as I had a nice look keep the image in my head:

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Before I knew it. It was lights out for me...

Wooyoung POV

I can't believe what I saw. A girl that look like she had seen death was being chased by a guy. San, Seonghwa, Mingi and I were on our way back to our base when we heard someone shouting. Here it was a girl about a year younger the Jongho getting shot at an harm by a man. We didn't tolerate how this guys was acting towards her so we took action into our hands.

As San, Mingi and Seonghwa blocked the guy from taking the injured girl. I was amazed that the female disarm the man enough for the three to apprehend the guy. Once the man start to throw punches, I quickly picked the girl up into my arms as she looked at me. "It's alright, I got you" I gently said to the frighten girl as she passed out in my arms. "Shit" I glared at the man for making the girl suffer as Mingi and San has the crazy guy on the ground.

"You bastard, you won't get away with my daughter!" The guy growl as he was glaring at me as I held to girl close to me. "Your anything but a father" I signal Seonghwa to knock the guy out so we can leave. Once he punch to guy out cold, we left quickly with the unconscious girl that was this crazy guy daughter.

Seonghwa POV

When we arrive to the base. Wooyoung kicked the door open causing the other to jump in surprised. "What the hell!" Hongjoong was about to curse before he saw us with a unconscious girl. "What happened?!" Wooyoung walked over to the work bench that was clear and placed the girl on the table. "She was attack by a crazy man" I said as Yunho and I went over to help Wooyoung treat the wounded girl.

"What does Hwa mean Mingi?" Hongjoong ask when he look at San and Mingi. "It's exactly what he means Hyung, we had the apprehended this girl father from almost killing her" San said as he closed the door behind them. Once Yunho, Wooyoung and I finished and bandage the girl wound. I picked her up and carries the girl over to the sofa as I gently lay her down on it.

"Whoever she is, we'll find out soon enough"

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