Chapter Seven

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Time goes by and she is already 19 and in college. She work part time at a local supermarket nearby her college to pay for extra as she is living on her own, and not on campus.

She decided to take up theoretical physics as she studies regarding time travelling. Often she consult her dad who is physicists himself as well as Emile and soon her knowledge grew and she understands why her parents says that a small action make change the course of history and would cause a disaster.

That made her realized why when she went back everything was different with Daniel. In the universe they never met thus it alters the history and memory between them.

As she finishes her at studies often during Summer breaks and winter break she would come back and visit her family. Damien owns his own start up company. So far it's going well.

Rayna is now 10 years old. And the twins are now 8 years old and still arguing.

She misses home. And her thoughts that night wandered around and thought of Daniel.

She often sneakily went to 2051, a year after and saw him with a child, probably about a year old. The woman she saw was hugging him as he plays the piano.

She misses him and that made her shed a tear and turned facing the window and closes her eyes and soon falls asleep, dreaming of memories of them.

They were happy.

She woke up in cold sweat after seeing a horrific scene.

She sees herself stabbed and killed by a burly being who was wearing a crown like thing on it's head. The being was smiling triumphantly as it kicked her head around like a football.

She then sees her family murdered one by one. And Daniel was being killed as well.

She started to sob for a while and wiped the tears as she freshen up and got ready to start the day.

Helping her mom was one of the way for her to forget about the dream. As she watch her mom choose the eggs at Walmart, she reminded of the days she helped her mom when she was younger.

They went to pay at the self check out and at that moment she saw a rather burly man that has the same features at the being in her dream.

She shook her head and finished packing the things back inside the cart as it will be brought to the car.

Meanwhile the burly man smiled sinisterly "I finally found you"

As she went to put the things in the car she didn't see the man following her. She load the items inside the trunk and closes the door firmly.

"All done" she said wiping her hands as she went back to send the cart back. By now the burly man who turned into the burly being turned invisible and sat on the roof of the car.

And so began the journey home, with an extra passenger.

As they got home, they quickly unload the groceries and as she put the things away she felt a presence.

She went back outside and didn't see anything and closes the door. As she went back she thought she saw a shadow and knew it is one of them.

She planned that tonight it will be over as she finished putting away almost all of the groceries.

She went upstairs to freshen up and changed into something comfortable as she laid on her bed and was playing with the ring.

Outside her bedroom, on top of a tree was where the burly being resides. It was looking at the ring and knew that, that was the item the being needs.

"Soon it will be mine" the being said menacingly.

She suddenly sat up and looked around she thought she heard something but laid back down again and falls asleep in an instant.

For the next few days she felt she was being watch but she continue looking around. She knew she killed every single one of the beings and she had an idea this might be the leader.

Until one day she was outside the house and was about to go out when she shoot at a roof and there a sun dog something falling onto the ground.

The invisibility of the being was soon gone and there was a burly being holding onto it's crowned head.

The being took out a weapon that looks like a gun as it starts shooting her and she shoots it and hit it's vital part.

"Who are you?" She ask then she saw it disappeared and with it's green blood that seem it goes and hide but she kept on chasing until it disappeared without a sight.

She put the item away and knew she will meet this mysterious being again and it won't be an easy feat.

She started to plan and knew she must do what it takes before she goes back to college to find that being and defeat it.

"I'm not giving up. I will find you even if so have go back jump into different worlds again" and that gave her an idea.

What will be her plan? Stay tuned to Different Worlds Apart.

AN: hi. So this was just a short update. Will make it longer I promise. Anywho wish me luck. Do let me know what you think of this story so far. Until next time.

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