Chapter One

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The story began when a typical 18 year old girl by the name of Hannah Grey was holding her present after it was given by her dad.

"Open it kiddo. It is something special just for you" he said, smiling

She unwrapped the gift immediately and saw a ring

"A ring?" She looked at her dad seeing as if he was joking but his expression changed into a stern as he cleared his throat and answered "Yes"

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"A ring?" She looked at her dad seeing as if he was joking but his expression changed into a stern as he cleared his throat and answered "Yes"

She was confused as he answered "This ring is special to our family" he was hesitant to continue but after a little while he continue "This ring is a keepsake to our family for generations"

Hannah just nodded and put the ring in her finger and found it fits her somehow.

"Honey I also want to tell you a secret" her dad continued and she looked up at him and then she felt she was in another dimension.

As she looked around everything was foreign to her.

She saw a one eyed being looking at her weirdly.

She then felt a hand placed upon her shoulder and she saw an ugly like being and that made her freak out as she took out the ring and she's back in her own world, home.

"What happened?" Was all she ask now confused and a headache started.

Her parents looked at each other and said "That is your gift. You have the ability to go to another dimension or time with the help of the ring"

She couldn't believe it as she sat on the sofa, dumbfounded.

"What?" Was all she uttered looking scared as her parents looked at her, worried.

"Don't worry okay. We can guide you on how to use the ring" the mom said putting her hand onto her daughter's hand.

She looked at them as if they grew another head and couldn't believe it still.

"I know it seems shocking but trust me you will get it" her dad said

All she did was nod.

As the days gone by, her dad brought her to the secret shelter and there she met the scientists and good friend of her dad.

His name is Emile Floyd and according to her dad he's an theoretical physicist and he studies regarding time traveling.

He has been working with her dad for years and they knew about her gift. He was the one who enhanced the ring to its modern shape.

As she trained she found there were many worlds she will encounter and she found she could went in time in the future and the past.

But the rule was to never change anything. As it would change the course and alter the space and time continuum.

A single mistake could be dangerous and would cause chaos even if it's a little bit.

Thus she was taught to just watch and not do anything.

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