Chapter Two

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For the next few weeks Hannah was going in and out of the portal and see every year.

She saw her family over the years. She saw herself grew up as well as her spending time with friends.

Then one day, she met him. A handsome, tall man who seem rather sophisticated in a sense.

It was the year 2050. She met him when she got lost and found herself at a futuristic place and it was at a restaurant.

He was with a young woman. Seems to be on a date and by the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be going well as she was now in tears.

Hannah saw the young woman said something to him, while her hand grabbing her purse and soon got up and leave.

One think people always tell about Hannah is that she is impulsive. Thus as soon as she saw the young woman left she went in and sat nearby his table.

She saw him sigh as she wiped the side of his mouth with the napkin and ask for the check. His eyes were looking around the room and Hannah purposely made her eyes met his.

At that moment they felt like they were the only two in the restaurant. He shared a smile and as soon as the check arrived he got up and left the restaurant.

Then a waitstaff came to order from Hannah and gave her a note and she was confused "Whom was it from?"she ask the waitstaff.

"It was from the gentleman that was sitting at that table over there" he pointed to the table where the handsome man was previously sitting.

She nodded and soon the waitstaff left and she opened the note and saw numbers.

His mobile number.

Her eyes widen and she turned to see the man now exiting the restaurant. She smiled and when the food has arrived she was thinking of ways she could communicate with him.

She went to a fancy phone and saw they sell more high tech phones that are different that the present mobile phones that she owned.

She used the phone and couldn't help but punch his name and number. As she observed, the phone is similar to a watch that uses are for call but this phone has a special feature. Uses hologram.

As Hannah typed a message, she heard a beep from her own wristwatch indicating that it was time for her to leave.

She looked at the newly bought phone and smiled sadly as she went to an alley and put on the ring and a ring portal opened up and soon she was transported back to her present time.

She told her dad and Emile what are her findings about the future. She even showed them the watch.

Emile wanted to inspect the watch but Hannah told him "This I cannot give away. But" she took out another one and placed it on the table "You can have this one"

Her dad and best friend was confused but still admiring the features of the watch.

The ride home was silent as she looked at the watch and smiling silently.

That night she received a message and couldn't help but press on it and see the message that popped out from the hologram.


She was excited as this was the first time she ever used this in her life.

She replied back


And there was silence as she soon waited and waited but there were no answer and she ended up falling asleep.

Not knowing there was a reply from him.

May I have the name of this beautiful person?

The next morning she saw the message and couldn't help but squeal in excitement.

She had to control herself until she typed a reply

Hannah. Hannah Grey. How about you handsome?

She couldn't help but blush and soon she hid the watch and went to have her breakfast downstairs in a gleeful mood.

Breakfast was chaotic to say the least. As her siblings and parents are rushing to start the day.

But she was in her own world as she imagine the handsome man smiling at her.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she was tapped by her mom.

"Hannah, why aren't you eating? You are going to be late for school"

Hannah realizing ate quickly and soon got her bag and was out the door with her siblings.

She is in her senior year of High School. As she drove her car to pick up her best friend, her mind were on the handsome man.

"Wonder how old he is" she mumbled a she pulled up at her best friend's driveway.

Her best friend that goes by the name of Alexandra Reyes. The only daughter of Carlos Reyes and Olivia Reyes.

Her parents are immigrants who originally from Colombia. They are hardworking parents who still spend time with their only 'Mija' or daughter.

When Hannah texted Alex she said she will come out in a minute and so she wait. She recounted the moment I met Alex in Kindergarten when Alex was only five and just arrived not a week before from Colombia with her family.

She has her hair down in a ponytail and she was shy. There were boys who bullied her and Hannah saw the opportunity to save Alex and began their friendship.

Alex and Hannah were inseparable. In school they are the dynamic duo. And and they will never be separated.

When she saw Alex slamming the door of the car, she knew something has happened.

"What's wrong?" Was the first thing she ask Alex who was now on the verge of tears.

"I cannot believe them" Alex began and Hannah started to reverse the car and soon they were on their way to school.

Hannah found out her parents are going to be deported soon after her dad was caught not paying for the taxes and now the IRS and immigration officers and coming anytime to send the family back.

Hannah just parked the car at the space for students and said "It's going to be okay, babe" she consoled Alex who was now crying.

After awhile they got out and start their day at in school. Or most students think of their own personal Hell.

Hannah throughout the day couldn't stop thinking of the handsome man. And thought of him.

"I wonder what name goes perfectly for the handsome man like that" she thought.

Hannah didn't see an invisible being watching her and everything she say and does not far from her.

What will happen next? Stay tuned to Different Worlds Apart.

AN: Hi. So here is the next chapter. Sorry if it's long winded. Will get more action soon. Wish me luck. Until next time.

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