Chapter Four

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Hours later, Daniel woke up, disoriented. He looked around and found he was in an unfamiliar place.

He saw a man wearing a lab coat writing down something on a board and as he got up, he recalled what happened before he passed out.

The man saw him and with a smile ask "Ah young man you're awake. Hannah and her dad has gone home and will be back tomorrow. Why not you rest. I have put a pair of pajamas for you" and
He pointed to a door "That's the bathroom"

Daniel just comply and went to change. He saw the sink features weren't like from where he was from.

"interesting" he said as he wash his face and brush his teeth.

Turning off the lights manually he went out and saw the man once again.

"Ah you're back. Ah you must be hungry. I made you something" he gave Daniel a plate of food. "I don't know what you eat but to us here is a great meal"

Daniel just nodded "Who are you?" He ask

Emile just smiled and replied "I am Emile Floyd. I'm a theoretical physicist who studies time travelling"

Daniel felt like fainting with the information but pinched himself.

"I see. What time will Hannah come back?"

Emile looked up at Daniel "tomorrow at around 4PM. She needs to finish school" Was his reply and Daniel just nodded knowing all he have to do was wait.

Meanwhile back at the house, she was sitting on the couch with her parents plus Damien.

"Now explain to me young lady, how you would meet that man" her dad ask

Hannah knew she was in huge trouble. "I met him the first time I came to the year 205o" she heard her mom gasped loudly "Oh my God!"

"And did you do anything intimate with him before coming back?" He ask now and Hannah knew she has to tell the truth. Thus she nodded.

There were gasps from her mom who fainted and her dad who was now furious. Her brother was shocked once again.

"I love him mom, dad" she said

Her dad who was now too furious was about to get the keys "I will murder that bastard once and for all" but he was stopped by Hannah.

"I will leave with him. And there is nothing you can do about it. I will never come back" She threatened.

Her dad, who never lay a hand on her once slapped her hard "This insolent child. Fine! Go then and see how you will survive on your own. Don't come back. Ever!"

Hannah who was crying grabbed her car keys and went to her car, ignoring the calls of her mom and brother.

She pulled out of the driveway and onto the highway where she who was still in tears drove towards the shelters.

As soon as she arrived, Emile was confused to see her back so soon. And so was Daniel who saw her crying held her tight "Daniel. I want to leave with you. I will stay with you in your time"

Daniel who was still confused looked at Emile and then to her "Hannah look at me" he said in a soft tone of voice "Let's not be impulsive. Let's talk first okay?"

She shook her head "My dad....told me to leave... and never come back" she said sobbing. "you are the only one I have"

Emile then said "Hannah, honey. Let's wait till morning okay and talk to your dad. He is angry right now and when people are angry they make terrible mistakes. Let's wait till morning okay?"

She nodded and knew Emile was right. She looked up at Daniel "I will sleep here tonight" she look at Daniel "With him"

Daniel looked at Emile and Emile just nodded "Sure. Let's get you freshen up, hmm?"

The two left, leaving Emile with his own thoughts "What are you doing to your daughter"

Hannah laid on the bed as Daniel spooned her, holding onto her warmly.

"Sleep baby" he whispered and that made her smile as she snuggled onto him and soon falls asleep. He too soon falls asleep not knowing what will happen the next day.

The next morning, the three had a hearty breakfast and only to be interrupted by a banging of a door and Hannah's dad appeared looking like he didn't get enough sleep the night before.

He saw her and Daniel who was holding onto her waist firmly "You" he pointed to Daniel "Get away from my daughter, you bastard" her father starts to march straight to Daniel and was about to punch him when Hannah stopped him "You hurt him, you hurt me as well" she glared at him.

He grew angrier as she was pushed aside and she landed on the ground. Daniel quickly rushed towards her "Sir, please stop" he pleaded.

"No. She is my daughter so I can do whatever we want and I need to punish her!" He grabbed her by her wrist and was about to put her in the car.

"You will be sent to your grandma's house in Utah. Then you will know how to behave" He threatened but Daniel was about to get her when Emile yelled out

"Richard. Stop!" Emile yelled out his name "You are hurting her. Hurting them"

Richard, Hannah's father glared at him "This is none of your business Emile. She is my daughter. I can do whatever I want" He took the knife and started to swing it around between Daniel and Emile.

The car door opened and Hannah did something she knew she should've done from the beginning. She punched her dad, causing him to fall unconscious.

"You are wrong. According to the law I am a legal age as an adult and I have my own right as a woman to marry whoever I want" she yelled at the unconscious man.

She grabbed Daniel and then said to Emile "Emile, take care of my dad, and family. If there are anything tell me. I will come back" she put on the ring and a portal appeared.

The both of them left and as the portal disappeared behind them, her dad woke up and saw them disappeared as he passed out once again.

Daniel brought her to his penthouse once they arrived and she freshen up and looked down onto the busy streets below.

He handed her a cup of chocolate and she smiled slightly "Thanks" she took a sip of the warm beverage and started to teared up.

She knew this was a big step in her life as she made this as her own decision.

Meanwhile the beings saw the chaos and knew they will start the next step.

What will happen next? Stay tuned to Different Worlds Apart.

AN: Hi. So here is another chapter. I hope it's not boring. I know it's kind of slow but it's getting there. I promise. Anywho, wish me luck for the next one. Until next time.

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