Chapter Six

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As soon as she goes through the portal she saw Daniel was busy. She let out a sigh of relief knowing he is alright she doesn't want to scare him thus she just texted him and said that she will be busy for awhile and will contact him soon. 

She went through the portal and looked around and found herself in another dimension and saw a different version of Daniel and he was a playboy.

She knew this version isn't the one she is in love with. She looked for her family and found them safe and sound and then as soon as she was about to leave she saw the being attacking her family.

She used a mask and with a help of a device she found and started shooting the being that shoots lasers and that made them disintegrate into dust.

She went through different worlds and times and manage to save every single one that attacked her family.

Then she went to the year 1989 the year her parents met and her brother Damien was conceived.

She managed to attack the beings who crawled through the vent and into the room her parents were in and shot the being that immediately turned into dust.

Her parents were confused as she put a finger to her lips and soon left.

As soon as she went to an alleyway she went in a portal and into another year in the past. The year she was born; 2005.

AN: had to calculate this. I'm that dumb.

She saw her mom yelling at her dad who was pacing back and forth and went to join her and as she heard the cries, Hannah started to teared up.

She was hiding as the nurse went out with the baby. She was watching the nurse and realized something was odd

Then as the nurse went to a corner it features changed into the being and took out a sharp object and was about to kill the innocent baby.

But before it could a laser shot it through it's body and the baby was almost dropped but Hannah managed to catch.

She put the baby in a small bassinet she found and saw a nurse coming and as the nurse saw the baby, she went to check and saw and tagged the baby and put her to the nursery.

All along Hannah was watching from a distance and let out a sigh of relief.

She went to a corner and entered a portal as it disappeared in an instant and entered a time that was the year 2020, three years before the beings starts the attacks.

And it was the year Daniel was born. Which was 2020.

She was surprised he was born when she was 15 years old. She couldn't help but laugh a little bit and that made her miss him.

She saw the beings ready to attack his baby self and manage to safe him. She found out his parents and his parents are actually friends.

As she kisses the cheeks of the baby, she went to a corner and and opened up a portal and decided to go back to the year 2023.

She found Emile taking care of Alex and Bella.

And they were happy to see her. She hugged them and saw that Alex started to disappear and she knew she have to find Alex's parents.

She said her goodbyes and opened the portal and went in and went back to the year 2005 and in Colombia, in a small hospital she found baby Alexandra crying as she was already been hurt as the being was about to stab her, not before Hannah shoots the being and saved the baby.

She find Alex adorable as a baby. "Alex you will be my best friend in the future" and she place the baby who now has fallen asleep on a bassinet and soon she went to a corner and opened a portal, and disappeared into it as it disappeared behind her.

She went back to the year 2023 and found Alex hugging her "You will always be my best friend Hannah" then she saw Bella crying and she has a stab wound.

She the went to the year 2016 and saw the being attacking Bella and her twin in their cribs but Hannah managed to shoot them in an instant and save her siblings.

She heard the door open and her mom came in and saw the sleeping babies. Hannah has long gone as she went back to the year 2023.

She was exhausted as she fell on the bed and falls asleep in an instant.

When she woke up the next morning it was dead quiet. She looked around and saw Emile standing on the staircase reading a chart.

"Hey Emile. Where's Alex and Bella?" She ask and Emile looked confused "huh? Oh Hannah why are you here?" "And who is Alex and Bella?"

Hannah was confused as she pinched herself and decided to investigate.

She went back to her home and found everything was back to normal. Her dad was reading the newspaper and saw her came in "there you are. Didn't you say you will stay at the shelter to talk to Emile?"

Her mom came in from the kitchen with a bowl of chicken soup "Oh Hannah you're back. Can you set the table please. Dinner is almost ready"

Everything was confusing her and then she realised she saved everyone. And now it was all back to normal.

She then did what her mom ask her and was greeted by Damien who she hugged tightly making him almost falling over "whoa. Slow down kiddo. What's wrong?"

She started to tear up "Oh nothing. It's nice seeing you. You left us too long when you go to college" and that made him laughed out loud.

She then heard thumping from the stairs and saw the twins and Rayna coming down the stairs. They hugged her legs and she kisses their cheeks.

She was happy everything was back to normal. But she forgot someone until after dinner when she was laying in bed

"DANIEL!" She sat up and almost hit her head as she opened up the portal and went in and saw Daniel now working as per usual. He has a ring on his finger.

She saw a woman coming in and kisses his cheek. They were discussing something and then she saw them kissing. That made her broke her heart as she knew he can never be his.

She went back to her own time and knew even if she change the course of time, fate can never let them meet.

Meanwhile in a galaxy far away, the leader was angry all of his subordinates were killed.

"morons. I will do it myself, even if I have to kill her myself!"

What will happen next? Stay tuned to Different Worlds Apart.

AN: Hi. So this is the last chapter for the day. Tomorrow I will try to continue. I hope my readers like it. Let me know what you think. Well until next time.

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