- "since August thirty... You can't say I've been able to go very long without your lips on mine."

- "or anywhere else..."

- "or anywhere else..."

They had finished the road about twenty minutes later. Once the engine had stopped, the Italian had taken the chin of the blonde and had turned her face towards her. She had come to kiss her.

"I want to kiss your body"

- "you know there are paths, hills and waterfalls"

- "I love the hills of your breasts; the path of your body, between your abs and your chest; and the water that gushes between your thighs is such an exquisite spring..."

- "remember the ode to your body I had to do in English class?"

- "oh, but I can do better than that if you give me ten minutes"

- "after what you just said I don't think I can last ten minutes"
Maya had come to kiss the tip of the Italian's nose before they got out of the car.

They had gone to the reception.

- "hello ladies, what can I do for you?"

- "hello, we have a reservation under Bishop's name for three days, two nights"

The woman had been typing on her keyboard.

- "yes a room for two, with meals and breakfast."

- "yes that's it"

- "you will be in the hotel-" began the receptionist.

The Italian woman then cut her off: "are there any cottages available?"

- "yes but-"

The brunette took out her credit card and put it on the counter.

- "Can we have an upgrade, please?"

- "I only have one deluxe cabin left for six, ma'am"

- "that's fine"

- "a chalet is four hundred dollars more a night ma'am"

- "yes no problem... And put room service if it is possible for meals and breakfast".

- "all?"

- "love?" Asked Maya

- "yes all of them... And if we really change our minds, it's okay, just charge it anyway."

- "love!"

- "okay ma'am"

Carina had leaned over to speak into the blonde's ear.

- "ché bambina?... I assure you that it is better that we are in the middle of the woods... I dreamed so much to be far from everything... With you, only you..."

- "excuse me, can you sign the receipt?"

- "yes of course"

The Reunion (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now