𝟎𝟒𝟕, scattered body parts!

Start from the beginning

they all walked in, seeing her husband, reg, stood next to deanna's desk, next to spencer. and on a sofa sat with guilty looks on their faces were alfie, todd, billy, and james. estella gasped at the sight of them, clinging to daryl's leg. he picked her up to reassure her that nothing was going to happen to her. 

deanna sat in her seat behind her desk, and rick and michonne stood in their new constable uniforms next to the desk. daryl stood up, not wanting to sit down. maggie took the chair closest to the door.

"so, first off, i cannot apologise enough for what happened last night." deanna started. daryl grunted.  

"they know that what they did is unacceptable." spencer said.

"so that's it, huh? they just get a slap on the wrist n' a 'bad!' thrown in their faces n' it's all fine?" daryl scoffed.

"well, they're kids- it's what happens." spencer replied.

deanna quickly shot that down. "no! that is not what happens in the walls of alexandria! daryl, i understand that what went on last night was completely wrong. so wrong. it shouldn't have happened."

"what we're trying to get to the bottom of, is how the boys knew of the things estella said in a private recording." reg said, looking at all four boys that looked at the floor. 

"nah, this ain't right. what i'm tryna get to the bottom of, is why my kid was tied to a tree with some damn rope n' beaten the shit out of, n' sliced with a knife." daryl said, angrily.

"daryl-" he cut rick off.

"no, man, no! ya say this is a 'safe place' but ain't nothin' that happened last night soundin' safe ta me." he said.

"i understand. i do. this is horrible, and estella didn't deserve it." deanna said, looking at him. "this stuff doesn't usually happen, i thought we left bullying in the old days. kids fight, they do, but that is no excuse. i didn't expect my family, the people that are supposed to be welcoming you guys, to do something like this. i want them all to apologise."

spencer scoffed from the corner. "i mean, come on. you've got to understand that alfie's mom killed herself. she left them, he's too young to process that. when he's watched a girl say that she killed her mom, he's gonna be angry. it's the way it all works. he doesn't get his, and she took hers for granted."

daryl quickly put estella down, walking over to spencer and getting in his face. "say some shit like that again, i dare ya."

maggie looked over at estella, seeing the girl in the corner with her eyes squeezed shut and her hands over her ears. she was really going through it, and none of them knew what to do with her. they all felt helpless.

"stop it!" maggie screamed, startling everyone. "estella is over there! she's listening to every damn thing y'all say! the girls having panic attacks on damn panic attacks and y'all haven't come up with a punishment?!"

"listen-" spencer started, maggie quickly cut him off.

"no, you listen! your son and his friends have done something wrong, so wrong. what happened to their mother is horrible, but it ain't estella's fault. if you even saw half the shit that she went through, you would do the damn same! so please, for the love of the god damn lord, sort this shit out! be a parent! be a man! punish your damn kid!" she shouted.

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