016. no him, no me!

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IN THE MORNING, ESTELLA ate some of the regular oatmeal they had in the mornings. instead of eating it at the table where tyreese and the others were, she ate it in her cell. carl and issy were sat there, too. they were a game of chess on the floor. estella sat on the bed, watching both of them as she ate her oatmeal and read a book. daryl and the others still weren't back. she was worried about them now.

she tried not to think about it too much, she knew that daryl could handle himself. he was daryl dixon, there was nothing that could take him out other than himself.

she finished up her oatmeal, putting the bowl down at the side of her and bringing the book up closer to her face. she moved so she was laid on her back, book in the air and her socks hitting the bars of the top bunk. she let out a sigh, closing the book and turning on her stomach so she was looking at isabella and carl, still playing chess.

"i'm so bored." she said, "if i'd have known we'd be stuck here, this bored, i'd have chosen better games."

"should've got a monopoly." isabella huffed, putting down her chess piece.

"that's what i'm gonna do when all of them get back, force them to go out and get us better games." estella said.

carl nodded, "sounds like a good idea. let's go downstairs, we will see if we can help hershal with anything."

the three of them walked down the stairs and into the other room where everyone was. hershal had the man that estella didn't know the name of, laid down as he stitched him up. sasha and tyreese sat together on a table, and the boy, ben, sat in the corner looking like he didn't want to be there.

axel was getting some food, carol was on watch outside. beth was in one of the cell blocks with judith, doing whatever she did nowadays - be a mother and all that.

"you can take those stitches out yourself in a week or so." hershal said to the man as he wrapped his leg.

"thank you." the man nodded.

"pretty nice having medical training." tyreese said, as isabella, estella and carl all went to sit on one of the benches.

"it'll only get ya so far." hershal responded.

"you were bit?" tyreese asked.

"he got bit in the leg by a walker, it was so gross. rick had to cut it off so he could live. i'm glad he did it, though." estella said, making hershal slightly laugh and ruffle her hair.

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