𝟎𝟒𝟕, scattered body parts!

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Daryl stayed awake the entire night, making sure that his daughter was okay. even more so, he couldn't sleep because of the anger that flew heavily through his body. why did this keep happening to her? he knew that she was young, so she trusted people way too easily. she needed to stop that. he had to teach her how to stop putting her trust into people that she didn't know. she kept putting herself in immediate danger.

aaron had asked daryl if he wanted to be a recruiter with him, as he didn't want to keep putting eric's life in danger. daryl had agreed, but since the events last night, he had much to ponder. did he really want to leave estella alone?

he watched as estella began to stir and breathe heavily in her sleep until she quickly sat up, a hand flying to her head. he hopped off his seat on the windowsill, and made his way over to her, sitting beside her.

"you okay?" he asked, she frowned. 

"yes." she quietly replied. "did you tell deanna?"

"rick n' michonne did." he answered. her eyes went wide as she pushed the blankets off her and stood up.

"i told them not to. they told me that they'd kill me if i told anybody!" she panicked.

"no, no, that ain't gonna happen. they had to tell her, esty. what those little shits did ta ya ain't right. if we don't tell no one, nothin' is gonna happen n' they're gonna keep givin' ya shit." daryl said, standing up with her.

before estella could say anything, a soft knock was heard on the door. it opened, and otilie walked in with a soft smile on her face as she looked at estella, and then at daryl.

"rick told me to come up here and tell you guys that deanna wants to talk to you now." she said.

estella shook her head. "no. i don't want to."

"you've gotta, you've really gotta. i'm gonna come with ya, all right? nothin' is gonna happen to ya." he replied.

"but what- but what if they hurt me again?" she asked.

"they won't. i won't let 'em. go get changed outta ya pyjamas n' come downstairs. i'll wait for ya." he said, she nodded.

daryl stood by the front door and waited for estella to get her clothes on. she came down a couple minutes later, and they went to deanna's house with rick, michonne, and maggie. deanna welcomed them with a sad face that had replaced her usual warm smile.

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