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Hannah POV

I was hiding in the wooden closet when I heard a commotion and the door of the room opened and I saw my mother and father being push to the ground. Both looking terrified as the dark figure sinisterly smiled and said "Tell me where is your daughter and I will spare your lives"

I couldn't see as it was in the middle of the night. I was told by my family to hide thus I did in this wooden closet. I peeked and saw my mother and father being threatened with a sharp object. I couldn't identify what it was and then I saw my father being pushed to the ground and stabbed with the sharp object.

My mother started crying and begging but the being were persistent

"Tell me where is your daughter or else I will eliminate you as well"

My dear mother was now terrified cried and begged soon the being grew impatient and stabbed my mom as well.

The being looked around the room seeing as if they could locate where I was.

I held my breath as much as I can and then I heard the door closed knowing the being left.

I heard more screams and yells and then there were silence. It was too quiet and as I left the safe place I looked around and saw my parents dead bodies on top of each other.

I started to cry silently and whispered "I will let the being pay for this. Mark my words mom dad"

I walked out and saw my siblings bodies all around my dead. And as I counted I saw a leg from underneath the kitchen cabinet and saw my youngest sister, Isabella.

She was barely breathing and as carried her I recounted the moment I carried her when she was a newborn.

"I will have my revenge Bella. I will make sure those beings will not do anymore harm than what they did to our family. I promise"

I brought my sister to a close friend of mine, Alexandra who lived about half an hour from my house and realizes her door was opened and her parents are dead as well.

I looked around and went to her room and found Alex, hiding in her closet looking scared. I hugged her and she was now crying. She told me what happened when the being came to her house and instantly killed her parents. 

"What are those things anyway Hannah?" She ask and I shrugged "I don't know but I have a feeling they wanted me. I have no one but you and Bella"

Her eyes widen and started to tearing up again "Where is she?" She ask and I told her "In the car. But I hid her" I then pulled her to the front door.

"Let's go. I will send you to a shelter my dad had made for us" and she nodded and thus her best friend went to the car and soon they started the journey.

Alex was now worried as she looked at Bella. "What's your plan?" She asks with a worried tone.

"I will have to find them. And confront them and try to find their weakness" I answered "For now I go with the flow. But I have an idea where they are headed next"

She cocked her eyebrows and ask "Where?"

I looked at my best friend and answered "To Daniel" her eyes immediately widened

I then drove to the shelter where my dad build for the family in case emergency such as this. I didn't know that all my life this gift that I thought would be a blessing would be a curse at the same time.

"I am never letting them kill anymore of the people I love. I will put an end to this. Once and for all" I grunted as I went in the secret door, not knowing a pair of beings were watching me from afar.

As the shelter were 300 meters deep in the mountain, it took a long time to reach the hanger where I was greeted by my dad's friend and scientist, Dr. Emile Floyd.

"Ah Hannah what brings you here? Where's your father?" He ask and I looked at him and answered "Dead. They were killed by being called The Alter World Pirates. They killed my whole family and friends parents except me and Bella as well as my best friend Alex" I explained and his eyes widens in shock.

"The beings are real?" He ask now in total shock and I just nodded in reply "They are headed to another worlds thus I want you to keep an eye on my sister and best friend"

And he looked at me like I grew another head "Where are you going?"

I went in the car door and replied "To stop them from killing more people I love, especially my true love" and I went in and drove away. I used the ring my dad gave to me on my 18th birthday and a huge portal opened up and at the exit of the shelter I disappeared into the portal and went to another dimension and starts my journey.

End of Hannah POV

What will happen next? Stay tuned to Different Worlds Apart.

AN: hi. So I had this idea while listening to this Chinese song by Ai Chen titled Dislocation of Time and Place. And I have the idea suggested by my friend to watch the K-Drama titled W: 2 Worlds. Well here I am. I hope I will give more details and doesn't complicate it. Do let me know what you think. Well until next time.

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