63 - A Curve Ball

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Akshara moved to the side so the girl could step inside. As the girl stepped inside the apartment, Akshara closed the door behind her.

"Abhimanyu? Hi! It's me! Riva." The girl introduced herself while Akshara furrowed her brows at Abhimanyu, confused about what she should be feeling. How she should be reacting.

"Hi...do I know you?" Abhimanyu asked the girl, Riva, trying to rack his brain to see if he knew who she was or where he may have seen her. But he came up blank.

"You...you don't remember me?" Riva looked hurt by Abhimanyu's lack of recognition. "Of course. How would you? I was just one girl of many whom you slept with."


Akshara felt like she was going to be sick. Knowing Abhimanyu slept with girls –one night stands –was different than actually coming face to face with them.

Abhimanyu looked over at Akshara who, trying to search her face for a response. He didn't care about the girl in front of him. All he cared about was Akshara.

"Well...I won't take much of your time since you obviously don't remember me. But I am pregnant, Abhimanyu Birla. 16 weeks pregnant and the baby is yours."

Abhimanyu and Akshara looked at each other and then at the girl in front of them, shocked. It felt like someone had just dosed them with gasoline and set them on fire.


Abhimanyu was going to be a father.

"What?" Abhimanyu asked Riva. "That is impossible!"

He didn't want to explain to Riva about why it was impossible for him to be the father to her baby. All he wanted was to make Akshara understand. She had to trust him.

"I am not lying. Here you go." Riva opened her handbag and took out a folder. "This is my ultrasound as well as my doctor's report confirming my pregnancy. I am sorry to say but despite you sleeping with multiple girls at any given moment, you were the only guy I slept with during that time."

Akshara flinched at Riva's taunt. Abhimanyu Birla the player. The past which he was trying so hard to put behind him. It had come to bite him.

"I have written my number in there too, if and when you want to talk about our options. I wasn't going to inform you at first but I thought it was best for you to know. After all, you are the father. Goodbye, Abhimanyu." Riva gave Abhimanyu and Akshara one last look before she headed out of the apartment.

"Akshara..." Abhimanyu gripped the folder in in a deathly grip until his knuckles turned pale.

"Pregnant. You are going to be a father." Akshara was reeling from the shock. She couldn't even look Abhimanyu in the eye.





All these emotions were overwhelming Akshara. She had believed Abhimanyu when he had said he had always been careful to use protection. That she was the only girl he had ever not used a condom with.

She was going to be sick.

"Akshara, baby. Please. Please listen to me. We...we can work this out. Together." Abhimanyu pleaded, reaching out to hold her.

"Please don't touch me." Akshara pulled away from Abhimanyu's grasp, leaving him grappling at nothing but air.

"She...she is pregnant. Abhimanyu. With your baby."

"Impossible! I always remembered to be careful! Always!" He affirmed. "I don't even remember who she is. I don't..."

"Then how do you explain the reports? Why would she lie to you?" Akshara questioned.

"I don't know. I don't know, Akshara." Abhimanyu felt helpless and today, even Akshara was not willing to listen to his plight.

"You know...I thought...I thought I was strong enough to deal with your past. The girls. The one night stands...but...but a baby? A baby, Abhimanyu?"

"Akshara...we'll figure it out. Please." Abhimanyu pleaded. Fear encapsulated Abhimanyu. Fear of Akshara pulling back from him. Fear of losing Akshara. Fear of losing his happy place.

Akshara shook her head, trying her hardest to breathe through the news. "I...I need some time. And space. I...I'm sorry. But...I need to be alone right now. I...I can't..."

She felt like a horrible person. Unsupportive. She knew Abhimanyu needed her support as much as she wanted to support him. But before she could support him, comfort him, she needed to reassure herself. She needed time to think.

About him.

About them.

She needed to clear her head.

And she needed breathing space.

"i...I need air." She whispered, making a move towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Abhimanyu asked her.

"Space. I need some space. To think. To reflect. I'm sorry."

"Please...please don't leave me..." Abhimanyu felt like a young boy again. Being thrown back to the time his mother had walked away from him. Leaving him.

He felt the walls caving in on him as panic began to set. Akshara was going to leave him.

"I...I'm...sorry. I just...I just need time." Akshara whispered, turning around to look at Abhimanyu before turning back and heading out.

Abhimanyu watched Akshara leave with a heavy heart. His nostrils flared as he gripped the folder in his hand and threw it out of his reach, flinging it into the air with exceptional force.

The papers scattered around him, revealing the sonogram and doctors reports.


He was going to be a father.

The Marriage ContractOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora