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I need you like a heart needs a beat

I need you like a heart needs a beat

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School is shit. Always has been and always will be. But what makes it even more less bearable today is that my girl isn't here. She's at a family friends wedding with her mum and brother. This meaning no Arabella, but 3 annoying ass 'best friends' who have been pestering me about looking like a grieving puppy all day. Whatever- they don't know shit.

I don't even know why I came to school.

Because she made you promise to attend and keep your grades up so you could graduate together...

Ah yes, that was it. I only come nowadays for her. I'd do anything for Arabella- even sitting five, eight hour days a week in a hell hole.

"Shit," Enzo suddenly whispered as he sat straighter in the hard blue cafeteria seats. "Kade, run. Now."

Shoving a forkful of spicy noodles into my mouth, I ignored his usual dense and foolish behaviour until I felt a cold, boney hand land on the back of my neck. I probably should of run.

Grunting at an unfamiliar person touching me, I dropped the flimsy plastic fork before ducking so that the hand would fall. I didn't like anything but Arabella's warm, chubby hands touching me- especially my neck.

"Hey papi," an annoying voice squawked in my ear. "I see you finally dumped your little bitch."


The fuck? Murder is still illegal, right? Shame.

"Did I fuck?" I murmured, staring longingly at my noodles. This bitch not only insulted my girl, but disrupted some sexy noodles.

How could I ever dump my princess? Even if she was on the other side of the world and it split in half, I'd still find my way back to her. I'm in love with her, so of course we're gonna be together forever.

"Fuck outta my sight before I make you."

Cringing when I felt her sharp nails touch my neck again, I was so nearly tempted to break her hand in half. The only think stopping me was Arabella finding out and being disappointed. That would make me feel shitty.

"Come on papi, I know a classroom that's empty for the rest of the day." Is she not getting the point she's unwanted here. Luckily, I tilted my head just in time to avoid her attempt at 'nibbling' my ear.

Knowing I couldn't do fuck all to the obnoxious girl beside me, insults wouldn't work on the annoying thing anyway. I've tried before. I gave Avery that look to sort her out and get rid of the problem.

Not even a second after, Avery stood up with her coke bottle in her left hand, her right one in a firm fist. I turned my chair so that it would be facing the upcoming action and began slurping my noodles again into my mouth. I also passed my phone to Enzo to record it so that we could show Arabella as she insisted we send her photos/videos of anything interesting happening throughout the day. So far, I'd sent her a ladybug and a butterfly chasing one another, the office lady walking down the corridors wearing parrot slippers and another video of the swim team playing pile on top in the car park out front.

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