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For you, I would

For you, I would

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"What's a blowjob?" Oh shit. Arabella's eyes were full of curiosity and innocence. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What do I say? Think Kade, Think.

Why did that whore have to come running over? Today was actually near perfect, but with my luck, nothing ever will be. I must admit, at first I didn't remember 'Zara', as I was probably pissed out my head or high when we got together. But the more I thought about it, the more I remember that she only gave me a blowjob (a shit one at that). The only reason I let her was because she was being insistent and Enzo had already left with someone and you can't leave a club lonely apparently. But now I regret it, big time. Honestly, I regret most of my past when I'm with my girl.

Sitting on the hill, I pulled Arabella to sit on my lap but she had other ideas and pushed me down resulting in her laying on top of me.

Fortunately for me, it seems like she's forgotten the previous question. Looking up, I just admired her face. She was breathtaking. Her above me was a beautiful sight, the sun radiated off her golden skin, her lips looked more glossy and her cheeks were reddened like usual. It was strange to see her wear something more causal as she usually lives in little dresses and skirts, but I wasn't complaining.

"Kade." She said, moving into a better position and twiddled
her thumbs nervously. "I like you."

Taking a deep breath, I replied, "I like you too baby. A lot." More than you think.

Her chin rested on my chest as well as her arms, as she lifted her charmingly timid blue eyes to look at me. "You do?"

She sounded in disbelief, I'm not sure why though. "Of course; why wouldn't I?"

Ignoring my question, she continued, "Why were you, friends, with that girl, she was so ill-mannered".

Sighing, I stroked her hair and pecked her nose earning an angelic giggle. "I wasn't friends with her baby, she's just someone I've had a not so good encounter with in the past". And that's the truth.

We rolled around in the grass for a while, me listening to her ramble about absolutely anything and stare adoringly at the little kids. Imagine if it was our little children running around, I can only imagine what a wonderful mother she'd be. A little bizarre yet loving and a 'cool' mum. And she's be a total MILF.

We'd fell into a cosy silence until she broke it, "I wish I was as pretty as her". She mumbled. I knew who she was talking about and I fucking hated what she said, so I gently tapped her bum and lifted us both into a sitting position.  I gripped Arabella's chin and intentionally glared at her. "Don't ever say that. You are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen, inside and out. Want to know what I love about you?" Shyly nodding, I continued, "I love your little button nose and big round eyes. I love your soft blonde hair and the way you get excited over the smallest of things. I love how you always blush if anyone says or touches you in a remotely kind way; like right now, and how your ears turn pink when you do so." Gripping her thighs, I carried on. "I love your little glare when you get corrected on things. I love your adorable pout when you drop something. I love how you lose your breath after 15 seconds of running." This caused her to get embarrassed but hey, I had to tease her. "I love your chunky little legs. I love your need for food and cuddles. Arabella, I love everything about you and there's not one thing I think you should change."

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