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You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had

You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had

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Over the last few weeks, Arabella has started to become more attached to Avery. I, however, am a bit wary of her. She is constantly blunt to Arabella despite her efforts to include her in every single thing, smokes weed and is always skipping school.

You're probably thinking hypocrite right? Wrong. The difference is, Arabella keeps me in check and makes sure I'm following the rules. I also would never offer, never mind force, her into doing something that could damage her innocence. Avery though, she might manipulate Arabella into drinking, smoking, skipping. The list is endless.

Anyway, Arabella and I were sitting under her favourite tree, her on my lap like usual; Cooper and Enzo were in-front of us also looking cosied up. I've come to the conclusion that they're one hundred percent together. Enzo had an immediate liking to Avery (in a friendly way of course). Cooper though that's a different story. He gets completely jealous when the two are chatting and play fighting. His lips fall into a pout and then gives us all short answers, it's quite amusing to see but I also feel sympathy for the boy. He's clearly hopelessly in love with my best friend who definitely returns the feelings. I feel his pain though, I also feel a bit jealous (not that I'd say it out loud) when Arabella pays Avery attention instead of me.

"Avery!" Arabella suddenly squealed, rushing out of my grip to the said girl who was leaning against another tree smoking. "Come sit with us."

You could see Avery battling with herself in her head, debating whether to come over or not. She muttered a small 'screw it', before trudging towards us, cigarette now crushed under her strange-looking boots that had laces. I think I've seen them on goths...

"You're so goddamn annoying smiley." Avery groaned, sitting next to Enzo but in front of me.

Arabella just gave a massive heart-stopping grin in return and placed her bottom back on my lap, holding onto my upper thighs for extra support.

"So, who wants to go on a road trip this weekend?" Enzo's voice interrupted mine and Arabella's make-out session a couple of minutes later. "We can drive up to the countryside and find a place to stay."

"Ooh! My grandparents own a lodge a couple of miles out the countryside, about 6 hours from here! They moved to Hawaii and told me I could stay there if I ever wanted a break from my- umm yeah." Cooper offered, a hopeful smile playing on his lips.

"Can we!?" Arabella gasped, gaping at the two boys in front of us.

"Are you sure baby?" I asked. I was making sure she wanted to leave town because shes mentioned that she has hardly left town, and never without her mother. "We can just stay here and-"

"No!" She whined, turning her face towards me. "I want to go, Kade, please?"

Sighing, I nodded reluctantly before I was attacked with Arabella peppering kisses all over my face.

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