
Start from the beginning

Now that I know Kade will be gone for the next couple of hours, I had to find something else to do. Starting with Coconut and Luther. The same day I'd bought the onesies, I'd also chose an outfit for the two of them.

After making the bed as best as I could (which is still quite messy) and brushing my teeth, I spent a good 10 minutes trying to remember where I'd put the costumes.

Quite frankly, I was just about to give up when I sighed at the sight of a brown paper bag in the corner... the one place I hadn't looked.

As a person, I was very forgetful. Something my friends, mama and Grandma liked to tease me on. Grandma always said 'you're still in your youth yet a lot more forgetful than an old wrinkly codger like me.' I care to disagree, she's always forgetting my age and saying how much I've grown when I haven't since I was like 11. And don't get me started on Kade! He always taunts me with that blooming blue fish "Dory".

Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming

Any-who, I grabbed the dogs and whistled to my babies as I walked out the bedroom. Just as every other morning I'm here, I'm greeted with a giant doggie jumping up and resting its paws in my shoulders and licking my face whilst Coconut brushes himself against my legs before dropping onto his side, roughly, on my feet. It's quite the predicament- really.

I gave the two equal amounts of love before gesturing to the sofa.  Coconut jumped right next to me, purring for attention so I dressed him first.

At first, I wasn't too sure how to put it on him. I was scared he would be irritated with my faffing around but all he did was lay on his back and give me the 'hurry up' look. Sassy, just like his daddy. Speaking of who, I checked my phone as I was making the bed and he had left me a message- saying the meeting has been delayed so he'll be back later than initially thought. I didn't mind, I had homework to do and at least my hot boyfriend wouldn't distract me now.

I looked back at Coconut to see him playing with a loose thread on his Pirate costume. Yes, I put him in a pirate costume. He wasn't bothered by the material, instead, he played with it.

Luther was next. I pulled his jeans on, then zip up hoodie bandana and chains before slipping his shoes on. As I was about to snap a picture of the two, I forgot that Luther also had a black wig to go on his head.


My little pirate and street doggie.

They both didn't seem to mind wearing what they were, so I let them be and went back into the bedroom... time to write a history essay.


An hour and a half later, I'd written a 3-page essay on the aftermath of the Holocaust. I've always been a WW2 freak, loving to learn about it at school and I've even done lots of my own research! Hitler was an interesting man, a vile one but I was always curious about what went on inside of his head. There are just so many secrets, things that don't make sense in his life, a timeline that I'd love to discover. Imagine it:

Arabella Carter: solves the secrets of Hitler.

Hehe, I could be a war historian. Nah, that's too much work.

Wanting to dress up like my two animals in the living room, I stood from the white desk in Kade's room to go put on a homemade costume but stilled when I saw my drawer.

The drawer is one of many Kade gave me to put spare clothing in and underwear in so that when I sleep over, I don't always have to pack a bag as everything I need is already here. At this point, you'd think I lived with him.

Why did I pause? Why was the drawer so distracting? Basically, I'd hid a cheeky lingerie set at the back of one of the drawers after Avery convinced me into buying it from a lingerie store. I'm no stranger to 'sexy' underwear as Kade calls it, I always thought they were just cute, but this set makes it feel a lot more... dirtier as I know it's used for a sexual reason and wore to be shown off (only to Kade of course).

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