im back!☺

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Heyy, 1st off sorry that I haven't updated in almost 6 months, I'm a terrible person I know. I've had a lot happening in my life so I promise I will update soon, maybe even tonight, but for now I'll give you guys an update on everything that's been going on with another round of facts!! (If you can't tell I like facts)

1. I kinda fell out of the divergent fandom, I haven't seen insurgent, I personally believe that the movies weren't good and kinda ruined the fandom a little bit, but that's just my opinion

2. I have, however, become Mich more intense in the phandom and the supernatural fandom

3. I'm doing a lot better with my depression and all, I still have hard days, but I am doing better, my anxiety and anorexia are still hard for me but I am doing better with those too

4. I finally started reading the Percy Jackson series, better Kate than never right!

5. I'm seeing ed sheeran in concert in a couple months

6. I preordered Dan and Phil's book

7. I'm ending this story very soon

8. I may write another one, idk on what or anything but hey, I'm sure I'll figure it out

9. I want to be an author when I grow up

10. My last day of school is Friday

That's it for now, I will update asap and love you guys!

Qotc: how have all of you been?

Aotc: I've been okay!


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