Veruca: Chapter Four

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February 1st
Ugh! I'm so mad and sad right now. First of all, I wanted a squirrel at Mr. Wonka's factory. And for some reason he wouldn't let me have one! So all thanks to his squirrels they pulled me all the way to the chute! And I fell down it and bounced off something - probably a trash bag and I flew to the left! It was dark and everything smelt terrible! So I looked around and everything was trash, trash, trash! Piles and piles of it! I was desperate to find a way out, so I wedged through piles of garbage the barley budged. Then I tried looking for the hole. But I couldn't find it. Only one thing left to do I thought. Scream. I stomped and shouted, "Heeeelp! Get me out of heeeeeere!" That didn't work. I tried to find anything that could help me escape.

A door! I pounded on it and screamed. Then when that didn't work I said, "I'm coming for you Wonka! Just you wait until I get my daddy!" After what felt like forever I yelled, "Get me out right now!" With a pound on the door for each word.

Then, I heard a terrible frightening scream. Daddy! I thought. I ran to find him. I jumped in his arms. "Oh, my Veruca are you ok?" After he asked me, I got down and pushed him off. "No! I still don't have my squirrel. I want my own chocolate factory and a trained squirrel, and an oompah loompa and a pink candy boat!" He probably was about to say yes. But he hesitated and took a deep breath. "We'll talk when we get home." Suddenly the room started to get really hot and bright.

Lights flashed on and me and Daddy felt movement. We were moving closer to the fire! Above the fire in bright, glowing lights was Incinerator. "Daaaady! What are going to do!?" I yelled nervously. "I don't know Veruca. This might be our end." I spotted a small door just as we almost touched the fire. I pulled him and we went through. There was a sign above that said You've lost sit on the bench and wait until you are told to get out. And that's what we did. I wondered if Evelyn would come. Then I felt like I heard a scream. Then the shut of the door. I slightly smiled, hoping that it was Evelyn.

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