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"That was great, huh Evelyn?" Veruca asked. "Great? Of course not!" I answered. "Goody two shoes." Veruca teased. "Excuse me for not liking others' misfortune." She rolled her eyes to the back of her head. "Let's go on now to the next room. But we're not using the boat. We've got far too much to see."Mr Wonka told us. As we were walking, Mike asked Mr. Wonka, " What's the prize and who gets it?" "The best kind of prize is a surprise! Haha haha." Mr Wonka jokingly answered. Then Veruca went in front of me and Dad and pushed Mike out of the way. "Will Violet be a blueberry forever?" Veruca asked, sounding a little innocent." "I don't know. But it's what she gets for chewing gum all day." Then Mike pushed Veruca away. "If you hate gum so much then why do you make it?" Mike asked. "You're gonna have to stop mumbling, because it's starting to bum me out." Mr Wonka said as we approached the Nut Room.

"My dear children, this is the Nut room." Mr Wonka explained. I saw as Veruca looked around, seeing all the squirrels and smiling. "All off my nuts are shelled by these special trained squirrels." The second after Mr. Wonka spoke, Veruca said, "Daddy I want a squirrel. Get one of those squirrels." Dad said, " Veruca you've got many marvelous pets." "All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs, and four cats, and, six bunny rabbits, and two parakeets, and two canaries, and a green parrot, and a turtle, and a silly old hamster!" I want a squirrel!" Veruca complained. "We'll get you a squirrel as soon as you get home." Dad promised. "I don't want just any squirrel. I want a trained squirrel." "How much for one of those squirrels?" Veruca looked up and smiled at Mr. Wonka. Mr Wonka said. "They're not for sale. She can't have one." Veruca's smile faded into a frown. "Daddy! If I can't get a squirrel from you, I'll go to get it myself." She crawled through the gate and walked down the narrow blue steps. Veruca looked around and saw a squirrel she wanted. They sure look adorable. But I'm not psycho enough to chase after them. She stared at it and it stared back. She reached for it and said, "I'll have you!"

Suddenly, the squirrel jumped and startled Veruca, causing her to fall to the ground! And after that, one side after another they all started to jump on her! Mike jumped as we all looked at what was going on.I saw as Mr. Wonka looked for the right key and Dad shook the gate, whilst I wasn't worried at all. They all started to climb on Veruca and she tried to get them off. Soon, it was too much and she fell to the ground. They still continued to climb all over her. "Daddy! I want them to stop!" After that the squirrels started to nail themselves onto Veruca's arms and legs, making it impossible for her to get up. She looked worried as they trapped her limb by limb. Then one squirrel climbed on her head and tapped her head. Veruca grunted.

"What are they doing?" Charlie asked. "They're testing to see if she's a bad nut." Mr. Wonka replied. And after the squirrel made a noise, Mr Wonka said, "Oh my! She is bad nut." Then they started to pull her all the way to the mysterious hole in the ground . "Where are they taking her?" Dad asked. "Where all the other bad nuts go. The garbage chute." Mr. Wonka said unfazed by Veruca's mishap. "Where do they go?" "In the incinerator." Dad gawked at Mr. Wonka, while I looked at my hand. I looked up and saw Veruca trying to escape and slightly screaming as well. "But don't worry. We only lighten it on Tuesdays."

"Today is Tuesday." Mike told him. "Well there's always a chance they decided not to light it today." Veruca then fell down the chute, screaming and all. And then Mr. Wonka coincidentally found the right key after Veruca fell and let Dad through. "Evey, you stay here. Your tour should not be ruined because of your sister." I beamed. "Ok Dad. Be safe." Dad didn't see that there was one squirrel not back to its spot yet. It pushed Dad down the chute as well. I saw as Mr. Wonka tried to hold in his laugh. And now, just like that, I was all alone.

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