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We were all surprised and confused at what happened to Augustus. Mr. Wonka didn't seem fazed at all. "Alright dear children, let's use the boat." As soon as Veruca laid eyes on it she said. "Daddy, I want a pink boat just like that one. Get me it now." "I will Veruca. At the end of today." A smirk grew on my face. Finally Veruca got somewhat of what she deserved.

"All aboard." Me, Veruca and Dad sat in front of Violet and behind Charlie. And that boat was a crazy ride! We twisted and turned. Went up and down.
I held on to Veruca and made sure she didn't fall in the river. For some reason, there were these blue lights and one shone on Violet as she chewed her gum. At last we were at the inventing room. "Daddy. I don't think I want a boat anymore." Veruca decided. Dad rubbed her back. We walked inside and it was so cool. Everything shone with purple and blue light.

"This is the most important room in the factory." Mr. Wonka said. Walking to a machine. "What are we doing Mr. Wonka?" Charlie asked. "We are currently waiting on this amazing beauty. Just you wait!" Things started to get loud. And things started to shake. Then this robot arm thingy came out holding a piece of gum. "You mean that's it?" Mike asked annoyed. "Do you know what "it" is?" Mr Wonka spat back. "It's gum." Violet said. "Yep," Mr Wonka said. "This gum happens to be Tomato soup, baked potato and roast beef. And the finale-" Mr. Wonka tried to say before Violet grabbed it. "Yeah yeah. Whatever. Just gimme the gum." "Little girl it's not ready yet." Violet's mom bumped in. "She will fine. You chew Violet. She'll be the first to have a chewing gum meal."
Veruca looked very salty as Violet's mom said that. "Mmmm!" Violet exclaimed. "This really tastes like tomato soup!" "Tell us what else Vi!" Violet mom said. "Ooooh! Roast beef! So tender and juicy! And the baked potato! Crispy skin and butter!" Violet joyfully explained about her once in a lifetime experience. "Blueberry pie and ice cream!" Then when Violet spoke those words her nose went blue. "What's up with her nose? It's blue." Veruca called out. Her mom looked at her in concern. "Your nose has gone purple."

"What you mean?" Violet said touching her nose. Veruca seemed to smirk.
"She means you're turning blue!" Mike yelled annoyed. His father pulled him back. Then she looked down to see her whole body turnt blue. Then she started to bloat up, even getting more fat than Augustus! We all started to back away. All except me.

"Where's this girl's mother?" I asked. "She needs to be right here like me." "Mr Wonka, what's going on?!" Charlie exclaimed in worry for Violet. "She blowing up like a blueberry, doofus!" Mike yelled.
After she turned probably turned 10 feet tall, the Oompah Loompa's came and to jump on her and started to roll her on her face whilst she screamed.

Then they got to this really wide space and Violet couldn't even fit. "Mother! Help!" Violet begged, struggling to fit through. "Where's she going?" Violet's mom asked alarmed. "Don't worry. They're taking her to the juicing room." Mr Wonka said like he didn't care. "What are they going to do to her there?" "They're going to pop her like a lil' pimple." "Pop her?" Violet's mom said even more worried. Now I finally felt like Violet was cared about until she said, "How is she supposed to compete?" Then Veruca responded with, "You put her in a county fair." Mr, Wonka laughed at that idea. Then, pointed at Violet, reminding her she has other things to worry about. Then she ran to help her into the Juicing room. And the rest of us stood there. Some in shock. But for Veruca in awe.

Evelyn and Veruca Salt's POVWhere stories live. Discover now