Evelyn: Chapter One

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January 15th
I was two years old. A little menace. My dad is British and along with him is Veruca. My mom is American though. Same with me. But anyways dad used to spoil me the same as Veruca . "DADDY I WANT A UNCORN!" YI'd say. "Calm down, Evey. I'll get you one right away." One day I asked "Daddy I want that pink flower dress. Get me one...NOW!"
"I suppose you'll want a sister," he said "Because that's the only thing you're getting right now." He tried to put me straight. "Daddy what Evelyn wants she gets." He then took me to my room and laid me on my stomach on my bed. "Evey. I'm sorry but the answer is no." He told me. "Ok Daddy." I compromised. "Since you can understand, I'm getting you that dress." Then 9 months later, my now twelve year old sister was born. "What's that?" I asked "It's your new little sister." Tears swelled up in my eyes. I looked away as they cooed at Veruca. "You a Verca!" I was so mad. I didn't like the idea of having a little sister. "We'll call you Veruca." "Daddy I want white stockings. I want some right away." He looked kind of mad "No." "The only thing you'll get is what you deserve." Then he just turned to look at Veruca. The little twit had ruined my life and probably will from now on.

January 16th
Hi diary. I'm back. I was at school. "Oh no!" I woke up late. "Evey! Come on, get your food." There was my dad. "No thanks Dad." I just grabbed an apple. Just like in the movies I realized. "Where's Veruca?" I asked. She wasn't down here yesterday, because she "didn't want to go". "Oh she doesn't feel like going." My blood boiled. She NEVER goes to school! I thought again. "Bye dad!" Yelled. I left quickly. I hated when Veruca got what she wanted . Which always did. I climbed on the bus. "Evelyn!" That was my friend, Sophie. She waved to get my attention. I ran to her. "Salt! No running on the bus!" Ugh. My annoying bus driver. "Ok." Sorry cannot do that! That's what I felt like saying. "Where's your sister?" Asked Sophie. I groaned. "My sister is at home because she "didn't feel like going"." "Ugh that brat." "I know." We just watched YouTube on our phones. "Middle schoolers, SCOOT!" Me and Sophie hated that. We waited our turn to get off. "Wanna see this Tik Tok?" Sophie asked. I glanced over .We talked until we got to our classroom. "Evelyn, Sophie. Go sit down. We have some news." That was Mr. Beek. He's the nicest teacher ever. Even better than my elementary teachers I had. "We have a new student." The whole class just randomly started talking. "Omg. So cool!" "What's her name." "Is she 14 or 13?" "Quiet down, class!" "She is 12. She is only new because she got moved up a grade." Mr. Beek motioned for her to come in. A small girl with brown hair and a blue shirt came in. She had on a white skirt.
"My name is Lexi Shara. But you can call me Lex or Lexi." She went to sit at the empty desk in front of me.
"Hi." I whispered. She just smiled and waved. Then she turned around. This girl might be my friend. I though. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. "Hey Evelyn. "You know the new girl. She was a big bully in elementary school." Sophie said. "What? She looks so sweet." I was surprised at Sophie. "She was so mean . I'll tell you on the bus." I was shocked at what I heard. But I will explain later. "Ok. We are on the bus. Tell all."I told her. I didn't rush on my test for nothing! "Ok. So one day, in kindergarten I wore a pink dress." Sophie started. "Go on," "So Lexi had a juice box and squirted it on me." Sophie looked mad and hurt. "Is that it?" "No." "Then she said, ' Dumb dorks don't need good dresses.' Then she just ran away." "I'll confront her about it." I promised. If you promise me, I'll never break it. "How was your day Evelyn ?" My dad said. I just ran upstairs. He was the last person I wanted to see. I just started my homework and Veruca came in. "Hi Evelyn." Veruca just barged in like the uncultured swine she is. I didn't want to see her also. "Get out." All she did is sit down on the floor. "What did I say? Bounce!" She didn't listen. "No. I only do what I want."I grabbed her by the hand. "I wanna get out!" She left. That uncultured swine. Finally peace and quiet. Soon, it was dinner. "What did you do at school?" My mom asked. "I got my study guide for Math." I explained. "Ooh! I had a new student. Her name is Lexi Shara. But Sophie says she's a bully." "Nice to know sweetie." My mom looked happier than usual. "So, mom. How was your day?" "Oh. I was able to get to more people. My mom's job is giving homeless people €1,000 each day. My dad owns a peanut business. He changed the company name to "Salts Peanuts." He used to be a billionaire, but now he's a multimillionaire. "Evey. You can stay downstairs late with Veruca." "No, I'll take an early night. I made sure my homework was completed, picked out my outfit for tomorrow, and changed in my Pj's. Now I am in my bed watching The Odd 1s Out on my TV. I'm going to sleep now. Bye diary!

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