Evelyn: Chapter Five

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January 24th
I'm feeling BLESSED! It's finally a Saturday! There's only one con though. Veruca is not writing in her diary until after her trip from the factory. Which means she'll bother me a lot. But anyways, the 4th golden ticket has been found. By an annoying boy named Mike Teavee. From Denver, Colorado. As soon as the interview came on we heard gunfire coming from his house. He was playing video games in his living room. " All you had to do was track the manufacturing dates, offset by weather, and the derivative of the Nikkei Index." He said. Veruca smiled at the screen. "A retard could figure it out." His dad said, "Most of the time, I don't know what he's talking about. You, know kids these days what with all the technology." "Die! Die! Die!" Mike interrupted. "Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long." "In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar." He told the reporters.

He finished his game. "And how did it taste?" asked the news reporter. "I don't know. I hate chocolate." As soon as Mike's interview was over, Veruca got up and went to her room. I think Veruca has a crush on Mike. But that's all I know. The. I heard Veruca. "What do you want?" asked a voice. It sounded like Mike. "Do you want to meet up after the factory?" Asked Veruca. "Do you know who you're talking to?" "This is . . ." started the Mike sounding boy. Veruca hung up. And after dinner, Dad gave Veruca chocolate ice cream. "Here Veruca. Your favorite." He said. "Daddy. I don't WANT chocolate ice cream!" Veruca screamed. She looked as if she would throw her ice cream. "Ok I can get you another bowl of ice cream. It'll be a new flavor and everything!" Dad looked as if he might have a panic attack. I started to remember when I threw a fit about getting ice cream that didn't have "enough" cookie dough. And BTdubs, I heard Veruca writing in her diary. She says everything out loud when she writes it down. "I want him to come to my house and play family. I'm the mum and he's the daddy. And Evelyn is the older brother and Rookie, my doggie is the my favorite daughter. I tried not to laugh.
Then Veruca called the Mike sounding boy again. "Hi." "What do you want? I'm about to get a dub." "Um." The Mike sounding boy hung up. "DADDY GET THIS NUMBER TO CALL YOU! 279..." Veruca started. I walked away after I'd heard Veruca start saying his phone number. Why would I want to know that information? Anyways I'll be showering and getting ready for bed. Bye diary.

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