Evelyn: Chapter Four/Violet Wins A Ticket

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January 23rd
Today, I'm glad I went to school but not really. So today when I got on the bus, I saw Lexi Shara and, Sophie. Sophie looked upset with me. So,I just ignored her and went to sit by Lexi Shara. "Hey bestie!" She said. "Bestie? I did not know we were friends" I said confused. If you remember, I played 4 square with Lexi and some other people. And I thought she hated me. Because I made it seem like she liked a loser. But anyways. Sophie said, "I need to talk to EVELYN for a second!" Lexi looked confused, but let me go. "Why are you talking to Lexi Shara? Have you lost your mind?" She kind of yelled and whispered. "Well, the only "why" question that should be asked right now is why are you concerned. Aren't me and you not friends anymore?" I asked really annoyed. I tried to get out the conversation, but she just grabbed me tighter. "Listen to me now, Salt . . . if I see you with Lexi again, you'll be sorry!" She threatened. I wasn't scared though. I might not get along with Veruca, but she's happy to fight of any burdens for me.
I kind of wanted to make new friends. So today at recess since Chloe was sitting with another friend, I sat next to Lexi . This might sound weird but Chloe's last name in Climba. (CaLimBA) And despite what Sophie said, I just sat and talked to Lexi Shara. But then the worst thing happened. I'll give you a hint-the twins! They came and pulled me away from Lexi. "Hey let me go Alex and Jerome!" I demanded. Too bad I am not Veruca. Instead, I got bruised and scratched. And I bruise easily! "Ow. . ." I said. I had tears in my eyes. I won't ever let Alex and Jerome have the pleasure of seeing me cry. Then Lexi Shara helped me up. "Chloe! Bring the first aid kit. Chloe ran over. "Oh! Let me guess, the Troubling Two got you hurt?" I nodded as I tried to hold in my tears. They did all they could to help my bruises and scratches. And then we talked until break was over.

That's all about school I want to talk about. The 3rd golden ticket winner is Violet Bearugarde. It first showed her chewing gum and kicking her karate teachers for no reason. Veruca was watching too and she looked mad. She's from Atlanta, Georgia. "The are just SOME of the 263 trophies that my Violet has won." Said Violet's Mother, as it showed all of the trophies she won. They were twining creepily as well. "I'm a gum chewer, mostly but when I heard about these ticket things I laid of the gum- switched to candy bars." She told the audience . "She just a driven young woman. I don't know where she gets it." I rolled my eyes. Poor Violet. She's probably forced to do this. Then Violet quickly glanced at her trophies, then looked back at the screen. "I'm the Junior World Champion gum chewer," she bragged. "This piece of gum I'm chewing right at this moment I've been working on for three months solid. THAT'S a record." "Of course I do have my share of trophies, mostly being batons." Violet's mom said. Maybe she told us that so it didn't seem like Violet was better than her. "So it says that one kid's gonna get this "special prize." Better than all the rest, I don't care who those other four are, that kid it's gonna be me." Violet said as if she knew exactly. "Tell them why, Violet." Her mom still looks at her creepily. "Because I'M a winner. Then she kinda looked like she was talking to us. "No you're not!" Veruca said. "DADDY! I WANT TO BE BETTER THAN THAT VIOLET GIRL!"
And now I'm in my bed, about to catch some Z's.

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