Evelyn: Chapter Two

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January 17th
Hi diary. I'm not really in the mood to write right now, but I'll still do it. When I woke up, my room was a mess. Also my diary was unlocked. "Evelyn. Did you sleep well?" Asked Veruca. "Ok." Wait! Veruca never wakes up early. Sussy case here . . . I thought. "Let me guess. You're taking the limo." "Yes. Only beautiful people can go on the bus." What Veruca said made my heart melt. "I'm gonna write in my diary." I said, after our conversation. I changed my mind. Tik Tok was more interesting. "That's the bus! Bye Veruca." Veruca followed me. "Are you waiting on the limo?" "No I want to come with you!" Here's the thing- Veruca can be a pest, and she can be like a warm, pleasant, hug. We got our backpacks and lunch boxes. Then, we headed outside. ". . .Creepy crawly spider!" That was my best friend, Sophie. She acted like her fingers were a spider. "Soph!" I laughed. "Move it, Salt and Twine!" "Incase you didn't know there's another Salt!" I forgot about my spoiled sister. She pulled me and Sophie's hand and sat us down. "What's up with your sister?" ask Sophie. "I don't know. She just wanted to come on the bus." "Ev, you should be worried. Remember when Veruca cut your hair in 2nd grade." I did. I nodded. "Middle schoolers. . ." Before the bus driver said "SCOOT!" Veruca ran out. We had to leave after he said that. Me and Sophie were very chatty getting to our classroom. For some reason, Sophie's smile on her face turned to a scowl. "What's wrong?" "I see the evil Lexi Shara!" She looked even more mad now.
Dang. Now I made my friend mad. So for the rest of the time, I shut up.

It was break time. "Do you want me to talk to you know who about the problem?" I asked Sophie. "Yes." She pointed to where Lexi was. "Alright. BRB." I ran over to Lexi. "Hey Lex, Do you know Sophie?" "You mean that girl that sits by you?" I nodded. "Yes. She was in my kindergarten class." This is more sus than from this morning. "So did you pour juice on her dress on purpose?" Lexi got this confused. look on her face. "What? No! I would never." "Ok thanks." I just ran to Sophie. "Soph. She seems innocent." I told her. For some reason she looked mad. "You think she's innocent? You're a fake friend." Then Sophie just ran away. Fine. Be that way. Who needs a friend that thinks you're fake. I sat in the empty field, my head in my knees. I looked up. It was Lexi Shara. "Hi." I heard her say. "Um. . . Hi. Sophie isn't my friend anymore." "You wanna play 4 square with us?" She asked. She still looked innocent. I nodded. Whenever me and Sophie get in fights, we never stay mad for long. We start having mini meltdowns when we have what we call after fight symphony. I just followed her. "Listen up!" Lexi got everyone's attention. There was a two boys and a girl (not counting me and Lexi) "Aw mannn! Another girl! " said a boy with black hair and dark skin. "Shut up, Jerome!" Exclaimed Lexi. Another boy was laughing silently. He looked similar to the other boy. Maybe they were twins. "Alex and Jerome. One of you buzz off." Said the other girl. "Bounce, Alex!" Said Jerome. "No you!" Both of them just ran off and started fighting. "I say we get rid of Alex." Said the other girl."Yeah Chloe. Evelyn? You agree?" Asked Lexi. "Yep. He's so annoying." I agreed. "Alex! You can't play!" Yelled Chloe. I passed the ball to Jerome. "Loser. . ." I heard him mutter under his breath. "I'll show you some loser." I threatened. All Jerome did is laugh and shake his head in disbelief. I tried to pass the ball to Chloe. But the ball got out of bounce. "Pfft! What was that? A baby throw!" Jerome went to the swings near where we were playing. Chloe looked like she felt bad. "It's ok. Besides, the Robert twins don't have as much courage as you." I nodded. But I just looked at the grass. "RIIIIIIIING!" The bell went. Everyone headed inside.

I came home from school. And I saw mom and dad standing by each other and in front of them was Veruca. Her hands were behind her back. Could it be? No! Veruca's too nice. . . right? I just tried to go upstairs to do my homework. "Evelyn," my dad said stopping me. "We need to have a talk." I walked over to them." "Evelyn. I know you know what you did wrong." My mom started. "Wha-what did I do?" I wondered. "First of all, you called your sister an uncultured swine." "H-how do you know?" I asked. The worst possible thing might have just happened. My parents looked down at Veruca, who had MY diary! "She read my DIARY?!" I was so mad. How is she getting away with this and getting in trouble if she read my diary? "Go to your room." "WELL, THAT'S WHERE I WAS GOING TO GO!" I ran upstairs with angry tears in my eyes. I did my homework, ate my snack from my lunchbox and went to sleep. This was the worst day I could've had. I woke up to my room being a mess, Sophie possibly stopped being my friend, people laughed at me in 4 square, and I even messed up in 4 square, and now Veruca got me in trouble. >:(

January 18th
Hi diary. I've been in my room all day. I'm not grounded. My parents even said they were sorry.

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