Veruca: Chapter Two

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January 17th

I got up early. Evelyn better know her world will go upside down today. I'm going to use my phone to get Daddy to pick me up as soon as I get in my homeroom. "Evelyn, did you sleep well?" I asked. She said "Ok," She looked like I did something wrong. "Let me guess, me taking a limo." "Yes. Only beautiful people can go on the bus." Well, that was a lie. She's so ugly, I can mistake her for a elephant. Too bad I had to be nice. Even though I am. So I had to have a conversation with Evelyn. "I'm going to write in my diary." Evelyn said.
But, she must think I'm dumb, because she was watching TikTok. And Evelyn even spelt TikTok wrong. She put Tik Tok. After a while, she said, "That's the bus! Bye Veruca." I came too. "Are you waiting on the limo?" She asked like the fool she is. "No I want to come with you!" I lied. Is Evelyn really this dumb?. I grabbed my stuff-my backpack and my lunchbox being empty. Then we headed outside. Then, Sophie came. I don't know what she said, but her and Evelyn started laughing. Then this really old man was driving the bus. He said, "Move it Salt and. Twine!" That made me mad. Nobody can be rude to my sister but me. "In case you didn't know p, there's another Salt on this bus!" Then I pulled Sophie and Evelyn's hand to sit them down. I couldn't sit near those freaks. For some reason they talked about me. "Middle schoolers. . ." Started the old bus driver. I just ran. Whatever he had to say, I wasn't interested. I saw Evelyn and Sophie come out after me. I called Daddy. "Hello. I want to got home." I said. "Ok Veruca. I'm sending a limo" My daddy answered. I went home and back to sleep. But before I did, I changed my clothes into nap clothes. What do you think I am? An animal. Before I went downstairs, I changed back into what I had on this morning. "Daddy, Mommy. Look what Evelyn did." I said I held up Evelyn's diary to show them. They looked at her diary. "Your sister," Daddy started. "Is going to be in trouble when she gets home." Then Evelyn came home. She looked at me, and then she attempted to go upstairs. "Evelyn," Daddy said "We need to have a talk." She walked over to us. "I know that you know what you did wrong." Said. My mom. To make a long story short, she's grounded. And I caused it! >:)

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