6 - Trolls

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"Are you mad, woman!" Dwalín slammed his fist on the hard table.

Rurín lifted her chin, glaring daggers at him just as he did her. She couldn't believe his nerve of him!

"Ye ain't comin' Rurín!"

"Yes. I am." She said icily.

"No, ye ain't!" He stormed from his chair and grabbed her shoulders. "Yer an Amad! The children need ye! How can ye think of leaving? Ye belong here! Where yer supposed to be!"


An open-handed blow made to red bloom upon a cheek.

Dwalín raised his hand to his mouth with wide eyes.

Rurín had furious tears in her eyes. "How dare you!" She screamed. "How dare you!"

He snatched her up by the arms and shoved her against the table as she screamed at him. Dwalín gently grabbed her hair and tugged, taking her wrists and pinning her down on the hard surface.

"Are ye crazy!" He roared.

"Fuck you, Dwalín!" She screamed at him.

"Ye hit me!" He growled, grabbing her jaw harshly.

"Do not tell me where I belong! I belong by your side, you insufferable rocks for brains!"

"What of the children?" He shook her a little as he still held her pin to the table.

She struggled to get from his grasp, screaming in frustration. "YOU PROMISED ME!"

He paused.

"You promised me... You go... I go..."

"You stay..." He breathed, dropping his head to her breasts. "I stay..."

Slowly he released her and her hands came to hold his head to her bosom, kissing his bald head. "Do not leave me here to suffer with wonder..."

"Rurí... We have children..."

"And I love them. But you need me. I will follow you to the ends of the earth to be your shield."

Dwalín groaned, picking her up as he stood and she wrapped her legs around his bare waist. He smashed his lips upon hers. A hungry kiss is full of open mouth passion.

He took her there on the table, pounding viciously into her and crying his love out to her.

All the while she glared at him and moaned that, she was going


The whole company was down for the next four days. Rurín, Dwalín, and Bombur discussed heading back home but ultimately it came down to 'what could they do?'

The children had run away. They were out there somewhere and it might have been why Thorín was now dragging his feet. They did not travel as they were. They were slower and took all the time in the world to pack their things up the night day and even longer to get a move on. Rurín suspected he was hoping that the three of them would amble across them at some point. She had to admit, she had hoped for that as well.

In the quiet hours of the night, she, Dwalín, Thorín, and Balín conspired behind Gandalf. They wanted to keep the appearance up that Thorín was highly against going to Rivendell but he would causally twist their route there and Rurín would slunk off from the company to head back home from there.

She would get an escort and speak about having some Elves and get the Dünedain involved in a search for the troublesome dwarflings that had their parents in shambles of nervous energy and sleepless nights.

Natural || Dwalin x OC - A Hobbit FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now