39 - Last night's Turkey

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There was a knock on the door early in the morning, Rurín scrambled out of the sheets and covered Soldís back up. She pulled her robe on and quickly left the bedchambers and into the sitting area.

Dwalín was waking up as the knock happened once more before the door was unlocked and pushed open. Thorín hadn't noticed she was coming into the room or that Dwalín was sleeping on the sofa as he turned his back on them to shut the door once more. He had a stack of parchment in his hands that sat on the side table right as he was turning back around.

He blinked twice, a crease forming between his brows as he looked between the two.

"Thorín?" Rurín called his name while checking to see if Dwalín's fever had broke... Thankfully it did. "You're early, something wrong?"

His eyes hardened for a split moment, he had no reason to be upset. They've already been together. Sleeping in the same bed was moot by now. He forced a small smile, he really needed to just let it go. She wasn't a child... She was an adult.

"I need to speak to you about our plans in Rivendell," He said.

"The sun is hardly up," She quirked her lips.

"The early morning has gold in its mouth," He responded. Rurín sighed.

Dwarves and their love of gold!

She grabbed one of the stools and brought it to the sofa for him. Dwalín began getting up to stoke the fire and build it back up. Rurín's robe shifted and a set of very dark bruising of fingertips could be seen on her collarbone and the junction of her neck. Thorín's eyes widened further when she moved her hair from her face and saw the bruises on her chest and the bite marks on her.

He tried to smother his rage, take a deep breath, and convince his mind was playing tricks on him. Dwalín touch her shoulder where the bruise was and she flinched...

"Men fraul drakh ruhk! Sathrini?" (You mangy animalistic orc! How dare you?) Thorín roared and lunged at Dwalín quicker than neither Dwalín nor Rurín could figure out what upset him.

Dwalín landed on his back, wheezing, and groaning when Thorín punched his gut. Rurín jumped to her feet and yelled at him and pulled at his tunic. "Get off him! What is wrong with you!" She exclaimed.

Thorín was still yelling at him, ignoring Rurín. Dwalín's lip was busted open. "You marked her with your hands!" He yelled.

"Imgilzu! Imgilzu, Thorín!" (Calm down) Rurín wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled as hard as she could but he was a mountain himself and would not budge!

Rurín was reminded of all those months ago when she tore her knee the last time she got in the middle of one of his fights. She punched Thorín in the Jaw when he tried to hit Dwalín again.

He grunted from the hit. Rurín squeaked and hissed through her teeth. Thorín heard and felt the pop in her hit, rationally he wanted to stop then but the abuse on her skin! The finger marks... He was still seeing red.

"GET OFF ME!" Dwalín growled, now fighting back. The both of them scrambled around like dwarflings!

Rurín jumped away and rushed to the door, yelling for Fíli and Kíli. The two boys appeared as soon as they heard her, with their mother in tow. Between the four of them, they were finally able to yank Thorín away. The dwarf was spitting curses and most of which had Dís and Rurín blushing madly.

She separated herself from him and went to Dwalín immediately causing Thorín to turn on her. "Get away from him! I trusted you! Dwalín when i get my hands on you!"

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