21 - It is a big mountain

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⚠️ TW:
mentions of rape, depression, drugging

Rurín took the cup of tea that had been made for her from Lîsa. The dam smiled at her. "I hope you can rest properly now, my lady," She said politely.

"Do not make me say it again, Lîsa," Rurín snorted lightly, giving the dam a tired smile. Lîsa nodded her head, laughing lightly.

"Sorry, Rurín, good night."

"Thank you. Sleep well."

Rurín took a sip of tea, watching the fire embers burn away in the hearth. She should probably head back to her room but she was so tired of being followed around by Kafdân. As much as she liked the dwarf and considered him a friend... She liked her solitude too. She hadn't been alone in days... And no one would tell her why she was back on protection detail.

Once the tea was finished off, Rurín rinsed the cup out and placed it on the rack. She tossed some water on the embers of the fire and left the kitchen back through the hidden passage she came through when her vision began to blur, making her see double of everything. She stumbled, her hands placed on the wall for support.

"Oh..." She groaned under her breath. She tried to shake the fog away but it only made it worse.

Rurín continues to stumble, leaning against the wall, mumbling and making absolutely no sense. Her words clashed together, slurring.

The shadows appeared to dance around her when she got to another corridor. She blinked a few times, beginning to slump further against the wall.

She thought she heard someone walking behind her but couldn't be sure as her ears were getting fuzzy.

The shadows moved strangely in her vision making Rurín pause in the corridor. She lazily turned her head up, straining her eyes."Hello...? E sum-on ere?" She slurred.

There was no response. Rurín rubbed at her eyes and struggled to stand back up and continue her way down the hall once more. There was a small padding of feet coming behind her.

Rurín reached sluggishly for the dagger on her waist.

The feet began to move quicker and a sharp pain shot through the nape of her skull. She cried out, hunching over and dropping to her knees.

Instinctively, she reached for her head. A cool sharp blade pressed tightly under her jaw.

Rurín froze. Her heart began to pound rapidly in her chest, and her wrist that had been close to her dagger had been grabbed and forced behind her back. She could tell it was a dwarf who had her at a knifepoint. His heavy breathing fanned across the side of her face, neck, and bare collarbones.

"Mêzi Uzbadnâtha," (Princess Beast) The dwarf cooed deeply. "Scream and Prince Kíli will die..."

Tears began to sting her eyes... Kíli...

"Wut do uoo want...?" She asked him, swallowing thickly. The blade warmed her skin and a slight sting formed making her hiss as it bit into her.

"For you to leave," He growled. "A beastly bastard will be no princess of mine."

Rurín began to tremble her free hand held the dwarf's wrist that had the knife against her. She was truly tired of all this. Are they really so prejudiced against her because of her blood? She didn't ask for this, for any of it. She couldn't even keep a grip on him. Her muscles felt weak and she couldn't get her body to respond to protect herself. The fog in her head was getting worse and nothing quite made sense anymore.

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