4 - Unexpected revelations

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Rurìn was sitting crossed-legged on Raìn, bowed over knitting while she journeyed towards Ered Luin. Elladan and Elrohir along with Teragorn were by her side for the traveling, the four of them laughed, joked, and talked all while keeping the atmosphere full of love. The Elf Twins were sad that they would be saying see you again towards their little daman as they were calling her. Teragorn was just disappointed because he might never see her again. He was human, not gifted with long life, he wasn't a Dúnedain like her mother was nor did he have a long life of a dwarf. She promised to see him again soon, that she wouldn't stay away for too long. He said he would hold her to that promise and before they got to Bree, he bid her farewell and kissed her cheek as an older brother would do. Leaving her with a corded bracelet with a little wooden carved horse on it for her to remember him by.

She continued her travels with the twins passing the shire and staying off the main roads as they slowly descended into orc-infested lands. The wilds in this part between the Shire and the Blue Mountains held some wandering orcs, not too much but enough to proceed with caution and to remain off the main roads for a time. They had been traveling for a month at this point, sleeping under the stars, and playing their instruments. Well, the twins played their flutes and Rurìn went between her Fiddle, flute, or lute. She had been gifted new instruments by Elrond, Hemi, and Lindir before she left along with a brand new cloak and travel wear. The elvish friends she had made spoiled her; Raìn had a few packed parcels of gifts on him. From jewelry to clothes and even art supplies, as well as a small painting of her with the Rivendell residents who would forever have a place in her heart. She had spent years living with them, growing, training and bonding. Friendships that would forever last a lifetime and then some more when her friends would sail to the west.

Before they got to the first gate of the Blue Mountains was were Rurìn must say her farewells to the twins. They were not allowed to go any further due to the conflicts with the Dwarves. They would have dared it but Elrond would kill them himself should they cause any anger or force him to come all this way to plead for their case.

"Don't worry our little daman," Elladan held Rurìn in his arms while she sniffled. "We will see you again! Wàyenda will bring us the letters that you promised and we will keep our word and reply to every single one with haste!"

"We will see you again our sweet Raven sister!" Elrohir kissed her forehead before getting back on his horse.

Elladan helped her back up on Raìn and fixed her ribbon in her braid, and placed a small silver ring on her thumb.

"We had it made for you," He explained, she looked down at it to see Sindarin script with 'Where the wind blows, we shall meet again'

"Thank you," She placed her hand on her heart. He smiled up at her, patting her cheek.

"Take care and remember there is no shame in not staying. We will come for you if you want to return even if it's only a week from now. We care deeply for you, all of us do, Rurì."

"And I you, muindor," (Brother)

He grinned up at her and turned away to get on his horse. The twins waved and turned their horses before galloping away, leaving her to travel alone. She tighten her quiver straps and adjusted her now on her shoulder before tapping Raìn gently on the sides.

"Let's go home, boy."

He neighed softly and went in a gentle trot. It wasn't long before they came to the first gate where she was allowed to pass through without so much as a glance. The first part of the lower pastures around the mountains were fields of grain and few wandering farm animals, the second gate held the farmsteads and as the terrain began to decline upward, the fields held more dwellings, with dwarflings running around in the wildflowers, darrowdams were hanging laundry and the darrows were sharpening their weapons or working on the ground doing a little bit of everything. There were a few elderly Darrows shucking corn or stripping tobacco. They all looked up at her with narrowed eyes, some of the small dwarflings ventured near her only to be called back by their mothers.

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