14 - Some Miscommunication

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When the surprise tea meeting was over, Norí kissed Rurín's hand and then tucked her under his arm and jostled her a bit, making her huff in fondness.

"Nanu hawl," (sweet sister) Norí ruffled her hair.

She squealed in laughter and stomped his foot, making him groan. "Sar em gabura!" He let her go and jumped a few times, trying to shake the ache.

"Ohh, bad words! Norí, bad words..." She tsked, wagging her finger playfully at him.

"Hop off it, lass. It's not like you haven't heard someone say fuck before." He winked at her. Rurín's face turned pink, and she stuttered trying to find a comeback but just chose to keep her mouth shut. "See you later, sweetie..." He cooed before strutting away and towards the open parlor door.

Rurín tilted her head at that.

She's been behind closed doors with Norí plenty of times before. They were normally alone in those situations, but this time... She had this strange nagging feeling in her gut but shook her head thinking that it was probably nothing.

As she stepped into the corridor, her body felt tingly. Her heart sped up a little... Rurín turned around quickly and spotted the back of Dwalín turning the corner. She was walking after him before she even knew what she was doing, and he was moving faster away from her.

"Mister Dwalín!" She called out.

He went behind a door and closed it, making her pause in the middle of the corridor. She stared at the door and felt her heart plummet to her stomach. "Maybe he didn't hear me..." She mumbled to herself. With her shoulders slumped, she turned back around.

Dwalín leaned against the door with his eyes clenched tight and his fists tautly gripping his axes. He could hear how dejected she sounded, and it made his heart ache.

"It's nothin'... It's nothin'... Ye will get over it," He chanted to himself.

Rurín came into Thorín's study as she was supposed to right after having tea. She met Dís's gaze and frowned at her. "I just saw Mister Dwalín... But I don't think he heard me."

"You know how he is," Dís waved her hand in the air. "He likes to brood."

"But he's been gone for over a week--"

"Rurín?" Dís smiled at her. "Don't fret your pretty little head over it. Tell me, how was tea with Norí?"

Rurín blinked a few times, her head was reeling. She was trying to ask how Dwalín was, and she was brushing it off! But tea with Norí! Can't they see something is going on with Dwalín? Is she the only person in this fucking mountain who can tell something is bothering him?

"T-Tea was fine..." She clenched her gown in her fists and forced a smile. "Nadad said to meet him here, where is he?"

She wanted to speak to Thorín and demand he see to what was wrong with his best friend. It just didn't make any sense to her. He was dodging her for days and then when he left, he never said goodbye and when he came back, he was still tense, and if not... More recluse than before. Surely, he would have come to say hello?

Tomorrow was Friday... Maybe he will come to play chess with her like he was doing before. Perhaps she's just overthinking it, like she always does. Elladan did tell her she needed to relax and stop being so stuffy about everything...

"Balín's just arrived," Dís said, patting the space next to her.

"Balín?" Rurín perked up. "Mister Dwalín's nadad?"

"Oh? Thorín already told you then?" Dís looked surprised.

Rurín felt like she would be betraying Dwalín somehow by admitting to her sister that they were friends. He did seem as if he didn't want anyone to know... He was so different when it was just the two of them. He was open and gentle. It was a side she really enjoyed. He gave her the fuzzies...

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