41 - Ni kurdumê zasamkhihi azhâr

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The night before the wedding, Rurín was being pampered to the bone by the ladies of her family and friends. She was being bathed by Himlâ and Dís much to her embarrassment so they could wash away her maidenhood. They had stripped her of her old clothes and taken her beads out of her hair to string on a necklace to be given to Dwalín.

Dís had picked up a small wooden box off the table and turned to Rurín with it, lifting the lid. "Normally, you would wear unbraided hair for a dwarven wedding. The white lady from Lórien had this sent for you..." Dís said softly. "The letter said it would honor your heritage to the Dùnedain. And to consider it your first family heirloom for Soldís."

She pulled it from the box and passed it to Rurín whose mouth had gone dry and tears glistened in her eyes. It was a simple silver crown with dangling crystals of blue and white. Orí and Toví set two small baskets on the table and pulled the cloth off them to show gathered flowers and wild vines that sat in them as well as colorful silk ribbons. Thira stood by holding Soldís on her hip while the little girl slept soundly.

"We just need to decorate it, and finish making your fasting ribbons," Dís said. "I was told flowers were important for you."

"It is..." Rurín whispered, looking at the flowers and the bridal crown. She didn't even think about this. Her mother didn't have a bridal crown to pass on to her for she was never married. And her nana's bridal crown had been made of twine. It was buried with her when she lasser from this world.

The fact that Lady Galadriel had a bridal crown made for her meant a lot to her. She had given up many of her customs to integrate into her father's people. It had broken her heart in a lot of ways but now, it felt like her grandparents could be a part of her today. All because of Galadriel...

Estel peered at the bridal crown and then at the basket of flowers and picked up a purple subalpine daisy and a stalk of meadowsweet.  "Can I braid the first flowers in?" He asked, sweetly.

"I would be honored," Rurín gave him a watery smile and carefully picked up the crown. Estel scrambled onto her lap and she started to help braid the flowers into the crevices.

Dwalín stumbled into Gloín's home with the help of Thorín followed by the merry troop of dwarves. Balín and Oín passed around sobering tonics for the lot of them so they could all get cleaned up properly.

"Smelling as foul as orc dung, the lot of you!" Oín tsked his tongue. Balín chuckled.

"Aye, I've smelt troll hordes better than them."

Kíli grumbled and took a big whiff of his armpit causing him to scrunch his nose in disgust. "Oh, Mahal! That's rank!"

Everyone laughed loudly at him making him blush. "It's not ma fault you arses pushed us into the mud!" He whined. Fíli and Gímli grumbled with him.

The three young dwarves were the foulest smelling of the lot. Having been pushed in a lake of mud with the mistake of Thorín and Glóin thinking it was just solely that... Mud. When it was in fact, a fresh swine hovel.

Balín chuckled again and ushered them off to go bathe while Oín started helping his brother out of his muddy clothes and checking him over for injuries. The stag trip had left them all scathed up a bit, the last two days spent hunting down the best beasts for the wedding feast. Dàin roared in heavy laughter, throwing his arm over Thorín shoulder, still clouded over with drink. "Oín! Ya think ya could sew up ma arm! Fíli slit me like a goat's neck for offerin!"

"Why would I sow a lawn? And whose gold neck is being offered?"

"Ya codgy old bugger! He said sew! Sew his arm!" Gloín shouted

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