15 - A Right Mess of Things

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The door to the Rí home slammed open making Dorí jerk, his tailoring supplies scattered on the floor. He twisted around to look who slammed the door open. He opened his mouth to tell them off but was stunned by Norí barreling into the home.

"What the fuck, Dorí!" He roared in Khuzdul. "Do you have any idea what you have done!"

Norí grabbed Dorí's tunic, fisting the fabric, picked his brother up, and shoved him against the wall. His face was a ruddy red, his breaths were short and huffy.

"What in Mahal—"

"No! You're going to listen to me!" Norí rammed against the wall again.

"NORÍ!" Fíli yelled, rushing into the house. He leaned over with his hands on his knees, panting. Sweat beading on his brow, he gasped for breath.

"Damn... he's... f-fast!" Kíli came right in, leaning against the wall for support. "Wow..."

Dorí looked wide-eyed at the princes. "Boys..." He said quickly.

Fíli held up a finger and stood up tall, inhaling deeply. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, Norí rammed his fist into Dorí's face.


Rurín had been playing the lute for Orí, singing a song in Quenya about Manwë when the loud clamor caused her to puck a string wrong, destroying the melody. Both girls leaned out into the corridor to see what all the fuss was about.

"Uh... Oh..." Orí winced.

"What in Mahal's mighty hammer is fuckin wrong with you people!" Norí fumed, red face and fists clenched.

"Easy lad!" Balín jumped in pushing Norí away (with not much luck) Thorín who was turning purple and a whelp forming on his jaw.

Rurín's jaw dropped as Norí somehow managed to get over Balín and out of his brother's grip to get ahold of Thorín once more.

"NORÍ!" Orí screeched, shooting past Rurín and right to her brother.

Orí got jostled and pushed to the floor, rolling out of the way as Dorí body slammed Norí only for him to send a swift kick to Dorí's chest, effectively forcing him away.

Thorín and Norí grappled with one another that Dorí, Balín, or even sweet Orí could break up. Taking a deep breath, Rurín ran and jumped, using Dorí as a stepping stool, and lunged herself onto Norí's back, wrapping herself around him like a vice.

"Rurín!" Norí growled. "Get off me!"

"No!" She whimpered, clinging to him tighter. Dorí tried to pull her off and she clamped her teeth into his palm making him yelp, pulling away from her.

"STOP!" Orí screamed.

Norí was still trying to swing at Thorín. Rurín got slammed against the wall in the process, her head cracking quite loudly making her woozy. Her grip slacked and as Norí tripped over Fíli who somehow appeared in the dwarf pile-up, Rurín fell onto the floor and Thorín landed on top of her making her cry out.

A horrible ache flared in her legs, her left knee created a strange popping sensation that shot a tinge clear up her spine. "For Goodness sake! Lose some weight, Thorín!" She moaned in pain.

"EVERYONE JUST STOP! STOP RIGHT NOW!" Dís loud voice overpowered the cursing and yelling. Fists paused mid-air and everyone looked toward Dís, apart from Rurín who was currently in a lot of pain.

"Thorín..." Rurín cried. "GET. OFF. ME!"

Thorín scrambled off her with the help of Kíli and Balín while Dorí and Dwalín pinned Norí to the floor. Now that she could see, she noticed that Dorí was sporting a forming black eye and his nose had dried blood on it.

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