17 - Ênâd-nurt gêdul pt.1

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Five days before her 33rd birthday, Rurín found Dís knocking on her door after dinner. She was surprised to see her Namad there at all given how she had been ignoring her and Thorín like they had some infectious disease. She was still so angry at them despite hearing what they had to say.

Rurín stared blankly at her. "Can we speak?" Dís asked quietly. "Please?"

Rurín stepped aside and let into the room. "Thank you," Dís said and closed the door behind her. Rurín hobbled on her crutches towards her room and straight to her vanity and sat down, picking up her hairbrush. Dís followed behind her, watching her sadly.

"Can I brush your hair?" Dís asked. Rurín looked at her through the mirror.

"If it pleases, you." She held the brush behind her. Dís smiled.

"It would, indeed."

They were quiet for a little while, Dís humming to herself as she brushed her sister's locks. Rurín watched her through the mirror and occasionally they made eye contact before looking away again. She sighed heavily as she began to braid.

"Rurín, Thorín, and I would never send you away because you got married. We do things so much differently than the race of men. Getting married doesn't mean you relinquished your place in this family," Dís paused her braiding on Rurín's hair. "I truly am sorry that we misunderstood you. We should have explained more about this side of our culture sooner."

Rurín's shoulders slumped. She knew she was sort of being unfair to them. Judging them the way the race of men judged her. Of course, their cultures were very different. Just knowing that dwarves believe love is love and that being with the same sex wasn't frowned upon but celebrated because a dwarf found their one, was enough to know just how diverse they really are.

Gimli for example... He was very open about his feelings for Yòlun, who turned out to be the young clumsy guard she met when she first arrived at Thorín's halls. Yòlun had only come around twice to bring mail to Dwalín and in those two times, he was very skittish and even more clumsy. Dwalín scared the piss out of the boy just by blankly staring at him but Gimli thought it was adorable.

Not even Fíli or Kíli sneered nasty remarks about Gimli crushing and blushing over the boy. Rurín really did find the whole thing interesting and world-rocking. It made her heart happy to see the acceptance of their kin.

"... I shouldn't have been so harsh with you, with either of you. I am sorry too," Rurín said. Dís looked fondly at her.

"Don't apologize, love. You did nothing wrong. If it's any consolation, your view on harshness is rather tame. I do not think you have a single bone in your body that could make others quake with fright rather than amusement."

"Hey..." Rurín pouted at her. "I can be threatening!"

"Mm..." Dís smirked. Rurín crossed her arms.

Dís ended up returning to her room the next night too. They sat on her sofa and worked on their own projects, just talking and Dís sharing more stories about her childhood with Thorín and Frerín. Rurín told her all about Teragorn, and how they met. That he was her brother-in-arms as they formed a bond through her tutelage under her elvish brothers and him.

Dís was excited to meet him after hearing about how he tricked Glorfindel, the Balrog slayer into jumping off a cliff for her, ruining his fancy silk elvish garments.

It was way into the night when Dís stood up. "I am going to need your help in sorting fabrics for your birthday party." Dís gathered up her mending.

"Just how many people are coming?" Rurín looped four more circles and pulled the yarn through her line.

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